I am not going to do that!

My boyfriend and I have been chatting online for a while and he keeps asking if I can make him cum in his boxers and I keep saying No and he keeps asking. What can I say to make him stop asking?

Answer #1

Tell him he can make himself cum in his own shorts

Answer #2

Break up with him - he obviously has no respect for you. You have already told him no. Someone who loves and respects you would obey your wishes and not try and force you to do something you are not ready for. Leave him doll.

Answer #3

thanks everyone… I broke up with him and of vourse his status is always “I’m horny! Talk to me?” I hate his a** now

Answer #4


Answer #5

Ya I totaly think the same as lol2034 Not a good relashonship to be in

Answer #6

mandyloo is right, id NEVER disrespect a girl like that, especially if I loved them!!!

Answer #7

brake up with him


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