Ugh. I need advice???

I’m just so sick of everything. It’s just so hard being someone everyone hates except ONE. I just get so irritated that people bug me about my long hair, my skinny jeans, my music, etc. I’m just tired of it. And my own family. They bug me about it. ALL THE TIME! And my dad. Our relationship is pretty much gone. He never calls me. He never asks me to come up anymore. He is stuck up his wife’s butt, he couldn’t ever see the truth anymore. He neglects me. And he told me the last time I came up there that I had to bring looser pants or he was taking me straight back home. It seems to me like he’s embarrassed of me. Like he doesn’t want people I’m his son. And I just feel like he doesn’t care anymore. I feel like I’m a failure to everyone around me. Just because I dress the way I do and just everything altogether. No one understands me. People criticize and say I can’t know what Love is. I’m too young? My life is just crazy. I feel so alone. I feel like no one is going through what I am. Like I’m by myself with no one to turn to.. ??? What do I do? The only great thing I have in my life is Haley<3. My girlfriend. She is the only thing that keeps me going. Truly.<3 help!!!

Answer #1

wow well ignore all of them…you shouldnt care for what other people think about you. yes it might be harmful but if you feel good on how you look and dress then dont care for what they say. Just be yourself if your girlfriend likes you the way you are and if you feel good about yourself then screw them. I know its your dad but come on he should support you and love you for who you are. talk to him and tell him how you feel

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