Love & Relationships Questions

  1. how do I take my mind off of my girlfriend?
  2. Should I move out of my bf's mom's house to pursue my ideals?
  3. Who here has tried "KY yours and mine" and what did you think?
  4. what is scissoring?
  5. Why do i feel so bad, after breaking up w/my bf becus he lies so much?
  6. How do I trust him again?
  7. What do i say to my boyfriend?
  8. How do I get my boyfriend's mom to give me another chance?
  9. How do you break up with someone?
  10. Can you get pregnant by rubbing the genatils against eachother?
  11. What is department head hair?
  12. What would you do if your boyfriend cares more about his friends then you ?
  13. is pilchuk dance academy a good place?
  14. what if you're afraid to be in a relationship?
  15. Does love have an age limit?
  16. Why have i been sooo horny for a straight week nonstop?
  17. what did he mean when he said one of these days?
  18. What are some of the beast compliments a guy has told a girl or that you have been told that completely made you day?
  19. how do i get my bf to make more moves?
  20. How can I get this guy more interested in me?
  21. How come i get horny from girls expecially when naked, but when i go out with a girl its wierd and i feel nothing?
  22. What are some things i can tell a girl i like, how beautiful i think she is. Something really nice that will completely flatter her?
  23. What's the sweetest thing you can do to show/say that you love someone?? Any ideas :D?
  24. Why did girls like kissing than boys?
  25. What are fun ways to spend time with your significant other without it becoming monotonous and regual?
  26. How do I reach my OWN boyfriend?
  27. What are good questions to ask a guy to keep a conversation going?
  28. Is impossible to lick your elbow. You wanna try, don't you?
  29. What do you do when a guy you work with went through your phone and sent himself a nude picture of yourself?
  30. what should i do i like a guy but his mate keeps asking me out?
  31. What are some good road trip songs?girly songs?
  32. What exactly does my boyfriend want from me?
  33. how to get rid of an annoying guy who sits with ur group and thinks hes "all that" ?
  34. What are some good things i can talk about with a girl i have a thing for?
  35. Should i spend $3500 and go to America this year to meet the man of my dreams??
  36. Where's a cute first date to go with the guy i like?
  37. how would you flirt with the guy you like or had a crush on??
  38. How do I convince my friend's friend (who is reaaallly hot) to meet me?
  39. are there any guys that actually do what they say like when they say they will never hurt you?
  40. What women here find facial hair attractive on a guy?
  41. How can i get myself to stop tripping so much for no reason.?
  42. Should I keep ignoring my boyfriend?
  43. do guys find it attractive if a girl rides a horse?
  44. Who is wrong?
  45. how do i know if i sould let my boyfriend go?
  46. What is a good comedy monologue for an audition?? HELP PLEASE
  47. What can I do about this situation?
  48. What do you think is a good brand name for in ipod nano and why?
  49. what type/colour of underwear do girls prefer to wear?
  50. Would you like a guy whose strong and serious, or a total goof/jokester?
  51. how to give myself an orga*m, whats the best thing to do?
  52. What do I do about my friend?
  53. why is it that it's very easy for the boys to end up a relation?
  54. what are some good songs about loving a guy but him moving on and being a jerk?
  55. How will this work?
  56. How do i make the decision of whether to go out with the guy i love, but i'm too scared what will happen?
  57. How do i know if my funmail has been sent if I am staring it??
  58. how do i take his actions?
  59. can a boy be named mimi?
  60. What to do when you're in this situation?
  61. Should one ever regret something they once wanted?
  62. why does everybody treat me like im nothing?
  63. how do i get this girl to like me (im 13)???
  64. How do I get a boy who just broke up with his gf??
  65. Which do you hate more (liars or cheaters)?
  66. How can I keep from attacking the person who tried to rape my girlfriend and ruin our relationship?
  67. Why can I not feel anything?
  68. What hurts the most: saying something and wishing you had not, or saying nothing, and wishing you had?
  69. Would you rather spend your first date at the beach or at the movies with your crush?
  70. How do I get over my girlfriends promises she broke?
  71. how can i stop being so paranoid?
  72. Should i dump my boyfrend??
  73. Can i trust my boyfrend?
  74. Should the male in a relationship always be the one to initiate conversation?
  75. what can i do, i like 2 boys?
  76. What should I do? I like this guy and when i text him he rarely answers me
  77. how can i invite my crush over text to hang out without being creepy or give t away that i like him(somthing flirty)?
  78. What should I do, my bf won't really talk to me?
  79. Would my boyfriend be in trouble lawfully?
  80. How can i tell my boyfriend that I think it would be good for him to start working out?
  81. Would you rather receive/give tap kisses or make-out?
  82. How do I know he's telling the truth?
  83. what do i do, this boy has been texting me for days straight and now he hasnt talked to me for a week?
  84. what should i do a guy told me he loved me?
  85. Why don't i get orgasms I kinda have convulsions instead, i gess?
  86. How can you tell if a man likes you?
  87. What do I do if my boyfriend is trying to change what i wear?
  88. what should i do, me and this guy both loved eacher then he became rude to me?
  89. Should i ask my friend if she'll go out with me?
  90. How do i solve things with my boyfriend?
  91. why do you think some people are so forgiving?
  92. Why do people not like me?
  93. can you get arrested for showing your penis on omegle video chat?
  94. what do you talk about with your girlfriend? (by the way, im in middle school)
  95. what's a cute nickname for a guy i still care about?
  96. What do you do when your going out with a guy who loves you, but at the same time...
  97. why do women complain so much?
  98. Do you think I am blowing this completely out of proportion?
  99. How Wierd Is It To Fall In Love Wiff Some1 Thru Dhe Internet ?
  100. what can i say to a guy friend whos always pissed off?