Should I move out of my bf's mom's house to pursue my ideals?

So I have been living with my bf and his mom for 8 months now. I left my parents house in Puerto Rico to go live with him because he believed we would have more job opportunities here, and his mom would help us out. We have been together for 2 years, he has never worked in those 2 years because he had a heritage from his uncle. Instead of thinking of our future and using that money to buy a house he wasted it all in everyday living so he didn’t have to work. As soon as we got here I found a job & he has little intentions to get one. I have to be telling him everyday to get a job & so does his mom which is one of the best humans I have met (we get along great). Point is I am tired of telling him how I feel, besides that we have a pretty good relationship, he is my best friend & is one of the few people that understands my ideals and the way I see society & life. I feel like i want move out because I want to smoke pot after a hard day at work and I have to be hiding. I feel like I am still living with my mom. I also want to move because I feel he doesn’t feel the urgency to get a job, he doesn’t get how this system works. I want to be financial independent, my need are very small so I see this being possible. I understand I have to work my a$$ off first to save some money. I just want to reach a point in life where all the time I have I can use it to clear my thoughts, to understand my mind (which is compared to the universe) He says he wants the same but does nothing about it. So here I am asking strangers what to do, should I move out & leave him? Should I wait more time? I know I will feel very sad without him because I really do love him. I am 19, he is 21. If you took time to answer my question, thank you so much. Blessings.

Answer #1

In all honestly, you need to do what is best for you and your life. Move out, take some time apart from him, and establish yourself as an independant person. He needs to step up and be a man and get a job, you dont need to be with someone with no life ambition or drive, you will only end up miserable and supporting him

Answer #2

Damn, that’s a good answer. Im not going to bother answering now. Haha:)

Answer #3

thank you, its very hard making the decision but i think u r right =(

Answer #4

Yes you should move, if you want to move up and on with your life. Tell him he is free to move with you, but only if he works….that supporting a healthy “able to work” man isn’t in your plans.

The law or realitivity works here…..”for every action there is a reaction”….you DO the action, and you might be very surprised at the reactions. He’ll be pis*ed at first….he’ll probably try to talk you out of it….he may cold shoulder you a bit….but if you stick to your plan he will follow….and he’ll respect you for it down the road….


Answer #5

thank you so much

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