Why can I not feel anything?

We had been fighting for a while, and then we made it through it. Now we are fighting again and he said “lets just take a break from each other” were not seeing other people. We have done this once before, and it was how i realized how mcuh i love him and miss him. This time i feel nothing, I just feel numb. I want to feel. I dont understand why i cant.

Answer #1

I think this is just your body trying to protect you, I feel like this most of the time, I can’t really feel anything and this is what I usually get, it’s to protect me, well, you in this case.

Answer #2

You are in the shock stage, it’ll sink in… when it does you may need a friend to be there for you. At least that is my guess. either that or he didnt mean as much to you as you thought he did. My guess is the first one… and espeically since it was after a fight you broke up.

Answer #3

Not sure who came up with the idea of taking a break from each other??? This is counter productive as it just encourages people to not work at a solution. This makes it easy for people to run from their problems. How does one expect to work on the real serious problems when they can’t work out the problems of a relationship??? After your first “break” this was the beginning of the end…you probably feel nothing because it’s over and it should be if facing the problem has become this difficult. Either face the problems together or separate and move on. You can’t have it both ways. Good luck Sue

Answer #4

you cant force feelings

Answer #5

Maybe it’s your body’s way of saying you’re not truly in love with him, that maybe you can live without him.

Answer #6

You’re tired (emotionally, and probably physcially, too)…The first time you quit seeing one another, there was some shock value to it, but this time there isn’t…it’s not “new” anymore. Give yourself a few days, and see where you are then…if you’re missing him…or if it’s a relief, knowing there won’t be any fights today.

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