Love & Relationships Questions

  1. I fell insecure
  2. How can I encourage him to stop smoking weed?
  3. hellpp I cant quit biting my nails!:[
  4. bad boy how bad
  5. How Too Kiss
  6. Love VS School
  7. fingered a girl at a party
  8. Is this a sign from my boyfriend?
  9. What turns you on??
  10. Friends with age difference
  11. why doesn't he want to see me?
  12. more interested in other things rather than his girlfriend
  13. I know he loves me but...
  14. What could happen?
  15. People who can love you
  16. Dreams of an ex...
  17. How do I get over my best friend?
  18. how long do you think I have to wait to call her again.
  19. help going further with boyfriend...??
  20. what makes a guy like a girl?
  21. delete history
  22. Still deciding...
  23. Should I give up on him?
  24. Has my hymen broken?
  25. what is he really doing to me?
  26. Loves Bday!!
  27. Starting Over
  28. im 16 and want a baby!!!
  29. Another, what should I do?
  30. What to do when a girl asks for your number and you dont like her
  31. Be okayyy!!!please help me!!!?
  32. How to win her heart again
  33. Annoying friends
  34. Tough choice!
  35. While kissing
  36. when your gone
  37. I kissed my boyfriend is my tongue ring infected?
  38. I kissed on the day 3 is my tongue ring infected?
  39. I'm really scared...
  40. ha girls answer this
  41. Ex boyfriend
  42. how to ask someone out you barely talk to
  43. fight club with pre schoolers?
  44. im 15 watig a baby
  45. Bestfriend, me and boyfriend
  46. red dots on my vag?
  47. from the back
  48. how can I stop being shy?
  49. friend zone
  50. im not sure please help me
  51. he isnt saying anything!!! Y!?
  52. I don't know what to do! sorry its a little long...
  53. Confused about a guy
  54. Nervs
  55. Fingering/ Smelling good down there
  56. is this mean or no?
  57. guys and yer
  58. My Best Friend Isn't Invited to My Grad Party...NOT MY FAULT..
  59. ugh I cant love yet
  60. Does he like me, or does he hate me?
  61. girls on the bottom
  62. porn how does it make you feel
  63. pubic hair crisis
  64. I like him
  65. I want to be friends, she doesnt, what do I do?
  66. What if you don't know what your girlfriend looks like?
  67. Any last minute advice?
  68. Is there a boy out there who is real and never lies?
  69. the best way to apologize
  70. What Should you do if your BEST FRIEND is being mean to your older
  71. boyfriend help
  72. Why do nice guy's finish last all the time?
  73. I'm So Confused
  74. the girl of my dreams/ being single PLEASE HELP
  75. The guy I like
  76. Tall or small guys?
  77. How does it feel for girls?
  78. When a man is out all night do you think he is cheating
  79. Should I or Shouldn't I?
  80. How do you get wet from "down there"
  81. okay?
  82. Why is it so hard to get out of an abusive relationship?
  83. Dazed and confuzed
  84. Break it to him gently?
  85. Am I being selfish???
  86. What do you think I should do?
  87. Hymen and my virginity
  88. How do I get a girlfriend?
  89. Chillin ideas
  90. if you were a parent...
  91. What would you do?
  92. Should I just let it be the way that it is?
  93. How should I finger myself?
  94. Ok this is important and long just please help if ya can
  95. Why do people care to cum together?
  96. Phone disconnected might end connection?
  97. Does this mean that your hymen is broken?
  98. Boyfriend or Best friend?
  99. What does it mean to "be a nine?"
  100. What should I say back?