is this mean or no?

okayyy well theres this guy that a had a thing with not too long ago. and I was helping him with his ex girlfriend probs. because she cheated on him about 3 times. once when she was drunk. but he said he can never forgive her for it or anything and he trusts me more and stuff. but now they are back together and everyone hates this girll, no joke. no body out of our group of friends knows why hes with her in the first place. We think its because they had there firsts together and they are more comfortable with that. but they fight constantly, argue for they gayest things and theres a lot of jealously between them, like they dont trust eachother.. But when me and him were a thing, it was perfect. no arguing, we just had fun being with eachother untill my friend lied to me about somthing he did and I got mad at him.. thats why hes back with her, because he was scared and he thought I wanted drama? okayy… gay. but me and my friend were thinking on hangin with this chickk because were cool wit her. and we were gonna drink and have this guy with us and hes gonna try and do stuff with her to see if she does, and if she doess.. than that just proves it right there that shes definatly not the right girl for him, he really doesnt deserve her at all. but do you think thats mean to do? or noo? I mean we were gonna have his bestfriend with us too to observe her actions. and if she does anything he will tell him. Do you think thats btch move or a good idea to see if she would do anything behind his back? I mean he is a great guy, he doesnt drink, do drugs or anything. he goes to church lol but we all know she not right for him at all. btch move..? or no?

Answer #1

She cheated on him 3 times already, and he STILL goes back to her. What makes you think a FOURTH time will change his mind?

He’s a flake… plain and simple… and he has no backbone. So butt-out, move on, and let him stay miserable…

Answer #2

I mean if she really loved him, she wouldnt do anything with another guy, I mean come on. if I was with himm, I would neverrr. ya knowww

Answer #3

Well I think its quite obvious that he likes her no matter what. I mean, she cheated on him and he still is with her.And even if she cheats on him one more time, I don’t think that’s going to matter. He’s still going to like her and will forgive her , again. Plus she was drunk. When your drunk , you do stuff you don’t usually do. and soon you’ll end up being the bad guy because it will be evident your trying to break them up. Honestly, if there not meant to be, than sooner or later they’ll break up. But when you intervene with the situation , the outcome is not going to be your way. Maybe move on? Stop envying that girl, find another guy. A guy that likes you and doesn’t have a girlfriend :]

Answer #4

well this is how I c it…if they relationship is that messed up wit that history just let it die on its own…even tho your provin sum I think its just gonna fall on you because he might b like why didnt you stop her or sumthin…for now b his friend and just find someone else or just w8…I dont c good outcome…u want him to b with you and only you because hes done wit her not wit you and still have feelings for her

hope all works out :D

Answer #5

not at all

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