Is this a sign from my boyfriend?

I have a question. What does this tell you: My boyfriend was at my house yesterday and we were on my bed and he said “Lie down if you would like.” And I did[my choice], and we were watching tv, then I turned to him and we were under the covers, and he grabbed my boob, but it was playfully but still on purpose. We also had our legs wrapped around one another’s. And on the phone today out of randomness he siad, “I’m gonna bang you.” and I was silent, but then he said, “just kidding sweety. you don’t need to worry!” So, what does that tell you? Like is any of that a sign?

Answer #1

I think its a sign that your boyfriend is a horndog and wants some action. how you respond is another thing

Answer #2

I mean I don’t know if he necessarily wants sex but he deff wants something. it sounds like he might just want to feel you up at the least. if you’re comfortable with it then lef him next time you can guide his hand under his shirt and make him do the rest. you can even when making out touch him. Just never do anythign you’re not comfortable with

Answer #3

yeah he wants sex

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