what is he really doing to me?

I have this guy friend who I have known for a while and we hang out a lot… and I always get the idea that he kinda likes me and I like him too. but everytime I start to feel assured that he likes me, he turns things around and im left really confused about everything.some stuff he does is when he sees me, he keeps waving and wont stop waving until im next to him. he is always smiling and trying to get my attention…he is always teasing me! and one timee.. his friend was messing around with me and I said: stop following me! and he said: ya stop following her! she’s mine!…he would text me at 12 am and he and his friends called me twice and all I heard was laughing and howling.. then when we were talking he asked me : sooo you like someone? and I said yes and I asked him if he did but he said nope.. at the end of our conversation I said btw I like you and he said thanks so do I. and I told him yur lying! you said you dont like anybody.. and he said yaa I like you as a friend duh! lmao… now im confused as to what to do next..he’s giving me all these mixed signals. I have no clue what this guy is doing to me and whats going on in his head right now.

Answer #1

If he is going to play games then kick him into gear. If he likes you he won’t let you get away. When he is trying for your attention, give him a little but give more to someone else in the group. Let him come to you. Over time I find that if one teases a little then steps away, when a guy is interested he’ll step forward. Get what I mean?

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