Still deciding...

Ok everyone, I need as many answers befor July 3rd at 8am. So I’m going to this camp and there is this guy I really like there and he is so cool and sweet and so down-to-earth. I really like him and tomorrow he is telling me if he like likes me, so I just want to prepare myself so what do you guys think he will say? Here are some things to help you figure this out. When I first met him (and he didnt’ know I like like him) he woul… I asked him 4 his # and then his friends call him 2 go with him 2 some where and he said “hold on I’m giving her my #” (he actully said my name but I’m not going 2 put it out there) So later when we were both home we were texting and it turns out we were texting for 3 hours and then he had 2 go 2 dinner but then he texted me back after dinner and we texted for a hour after that. (and he knew I like like him) he told me since he only has known me 4 2 days he would think about it and tell me on Fri. So I asked him today if he was done deciding and he said he is still thinking about it. Also I notice he looks at me as much as I do to him. Like I would look at him. And last night my friend called him on my phone and they were talking about me and he said he likes that I’m nice and I’m Asian (last person I liked said they would never go out with me because I’m asian) and he is 2 years and grades ahead of me and so my friend asked if he cares that I’m Asian and he doesnt and then she asked if age difference matters and he said no. so if people could give me a answer before 8am the 3rd that would be amazing!

Answer #1

that sounds a lot like something that happened to me. I liked this guy and I spent so much time with him and flirted with him and got his number too and we texted each other all the time and finally I told him I liked him and he said he wasnt sure if he liked me but then the week later everyone came running up to me and said ohh he really likes you he just told everyone. like sometimes guys dont tell you they like you because they are scared of what could happen . he wouldnt of said he wasnt sure if he knew he would not like you, so just wait awhile untill you really get to know him and then go for it


Answer #2

You’re coming off a bit too strong for him. If you kept asking about “do you like me or not?” then that’s a real big turn off, at least for me it is. If he’s waiting a really long time to tell you what he thinks of you, then either it can mean two possible answers.

He doesn’t like you and he’s trying to let you down easy. OR He likes you, and wants to become friends first.

Also, texting and all that is fine and good. But it doesn’t exactly build a relationship as much as seeing each other in person would.

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