Should I or Shouldn't I?

I was really good friends with a guy for a very long time. Anyway after years and years he said he wanted more then friendship… Well it was akward to say the least and I had no clue what I wanted. Now some time has passed and we send messages online just keeping in touch. Here’s the kicker… I think he may be the one for me and I would like to see if we can get pass the akwardness. The problem is he responds to some of my emails and some he doesn’t. He starts conversations up with me frequently but he won’t finish them… Maybe he doesn’t care about me or maybe I’ve hurt him I have no idea. SO what should I do?? Should I keep writing him or wrting him back when he writes or should I just let it all go? Any ideas how I can find out how he feels when neither of us our good with words?

Answer #1

For this to ever get anywhere, someone is going to have to take a chance and put themselves out there. Why don’t you email him saying you would like a chance to catch up, can we meet somewhere? His response would tell you a lot about how he feels, and it would be easier to talk to him face to face about how you feel.

Answer #2

Are you still a virgin ?

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