Confused about a guy

I have known this guy since high school and we recently caught up again its been 5 months and we have been talkin and hanging out all the time. I really like him and I have never had trouble with guys before but he is different I cant read him.. And his new work schedule makes it hard to hang out.. I see him on weekends but we are always ina group and its club night so we always go out so I cant change the plans just like that. The hours I work conflict wit his so we can’t do lunch or dinner during the week… A friend asked what the deal was with us since we are always together he answered saying that I havent said or done anything.. He likes girls to be upfront and say there true feelings… im scared of the answer but I wanna go for it but like I said I never get to see him I wanna know what the tought of over the phone is because I have wanted to do it in person while we are alone but its hard because it barely happens and with his new job might not happen for a while. and I dunno how much I can take I wanna just do it get it over with and then know to let it go or keep holding on…

Answer #1

Well it seems to me he likes you. He is just waiting for you. When yall go out in the groups pull him to the side and tell him how you feel. Tell him the reason why it took you a while to say somethng . So he know how you feel, and then if it doesnt work than you cant say you didnt give it a shot. =)

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