Questions & Answers

  1. can we prefer silk blend sarees as a traditional wear?Give me our opinion?
  2. What percent do i need to pass this class?
  3. what would you say or do if you knew someone who was racists against there own race?
  4. What size shorts would fit a 26 inch waist?
  5. Suggest me a dress for an upcoming get together party.
  6. how do u say "kiss my ass u stupid son of a bitch" politically correct?
  7. How to tell of a guy likes you?
  8. helloooooooooo FA world
  9. Bedroom Redecoration
  10. I want to hire a tutor from the website
  11. hello FA family, how is everyone on this wonderful day
  12. What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever done?
  13. How do i answer this?
  14. is there a way to prevent hiccups?
  15. How can I make money without working?
  16. good morning everyone, hope you have/had an awesome weekend
  17. how to ask a guy out if you are shy?
  18. Happy Saturday everyone :)
  19. Im trying out the scene look, whats a good scene name for Kyle or Koza?
  20. How old do I look?!?Today my friend said I look like a mom
  21. Do you think he is hiding something from me?
  22. Funny enough I got Portland Oregon, which is a 5 minute walk from my house haha
  23. Anyone From Saudi Arabia?
  24. What are your favorite love quotes from a song?
  25. how to stop hating myself and live at least a normal life? I need help.
  26. Does anyone know of a good Android app that tracks your call plan minutes?
  27. You people Fun Advice left another scar for me to bare all my life
  28. good morning everyone, hope you all have/had a fantastic day
  29. Wow now I got newer eBooks 1.218 :O
  30. how do i finger myself
  31. My girlfriend gave me a blowjob 2 hours ago we really love eachother and get horny and we want to have sex tomorrow how should I start of
  32. How do I choose between my ex and current gf?
  33. On my way to the airport.
  34. Really boils my blood when a person passes away for no reason :/
  35. How long does it take to get an MRI? And what do you have to do?
  36. Happy Wednesday everyone :D
  37. Been busy reading about Java
  38. What to wear with this dress for Winter Formal?
  39. Health Science related topic?
  40. good evening everyone, hope you all had/ have a great day
  41. Gazillion stars are in my Sky
  42. Does anyone know what hapened to this girl on funadvice?
  43. How can i ask my parents to bring me to a orhodontist
  44. Should I still be concerned about my bf's relationship with other close "friends"?
  45. do we need to be on a pc to create a page on
  46. Ah cool site
  47. where to find the manufacturer about the stone display rack,ceramic tile,masaic display rack
  48. Do you read people style watch magazine?
  49. If an elderly woman relies on a drug like Imodium to not defacate unknowingly,
  50. This girl sort of grinded on me?
  51. wow i dont think the sight has ever been this slow :-(:-(
  52. Another way of saying "Fight evil" or something like that?
  53. Have you ever been bullied in school before?
  54. Why is my Ex so nice to me all of a sudden??
  55. Do you think a nose piercing will look good on me?
  56. How can we be friends again?
  57. How would you rate my looks on a scale from 1 to 10
  58. Did you receive the january 20th 2014 issue of people magazine?
  59. My ex best friend hates me?
  60. why is it like this?
  61. i hear strange noises and voices in my house sometimes, i think my house is haunted
  62. Am I the only one who goes by her real name on Funadvice?
  63. Do you like McDonald's? What's your favorite thing to order at McDonald's?
  64. Is Satan really as evil as everyone makes him...?
  65. Is Satan really as evil as everyone makes him...?
  66. Does this sound like food or morning sickness?
  67. Best collection of wedding wear tussar silk tribal art sarees
  68. Is embroidery salwar apt for parties?
  69. Looking for Sweet16 Court Dresses for the upcoming from. Please suggest?
  70. which is the best online store that offers salwar kameez with good quality and best prices??
  71. which is the best online store to buy chanderi sico sarees?
  72. Do you think he is going to propose on our first date?
  73. What's better? Exercising at the gym or at home?
  74. What is the best food for dieting?
  75. what does this picture inspire you to write about?
  76. Best ,simple and classy wear for college n office
  77. annyone who is still on funadvice?
  78. Is laminate flooring suitable for kitchen?
  79. Which is the best online store that provides cotton sarees with 1000 rupees onwords?
  80. I want to buy bengal silk sarees with best prices?
  81. 14 and pregnant please help
  82. today it feels like -45 degrees outside
  83. How can I wash laminate flooring?
  84. How to seek medical help with low income?
  85. How to choose right car cover for my car?
  86. What are your goals in life?
  87. I can see the resemblance haha =) She's going to be 1 next month.
  88. Between you and your partner, how is the labour of taking care of your children
  89. What's your take on...
  90. it feels like -30 degrees where i am
  91. I'm getting a tattoo..
  92. According to the FB page, Funadvice is going to have some big changes this
  93. Where to Watch BCS National Championship 2014 Online?
  94. how do I get over my obsession with texting my boyfriend?
  95. Which color saree that looks grand for party wear?Which online store we can prefer for party wear sarees??
  96. I love to wear trendy wear designer salwar kameez.can i know how to choose these trendy wear salwars??
  97. which is the best store for online shopping of clothes?
  98. Should I let him know how I feel about him?
  99. Crush on Family Friend
  100. Once again I'm on new meds. Wellbutrin and abilify. Anyone try these before ?
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