How can we be friends again?

So there’s this kid who had a major crush on me, always trying to be next to me and stuff. So
he walks into class one day and when he walked in he didn’t make eye contact with me at all, and it hurt my feelings so bad and made me think he was embarrassed to be seen talking to me. Later on he was like “HEEEY!” and I just stared at him and walked on. Now he doesn’t say hi but he looks kinda hurt. What should I do?!?!?

Answer #1

ok.he knkws now. what he did is called letting you breath.cuz he aways try to be with you and stuff and in that one time he deside to give you a breack.go to him say hi he will do the same.probably try to hide the giggles away and just continue talking or ask him to go somewhere or ask him out if you like him.

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