what would you say or do if you knew someone who was racists against there own race?

Answer #1

Honestly, I would be really shocked and have mixed feelings about it. But then what would I be able to do about it? Nothing really. All I could do was talk about it to then and how rude it sounds or whatever. But I’d do nothing about it except have a weird feeling in my heart. Cuz at the end of the day, it still is their life and not ours’ and if they wanna be racist about their own race then that’s up to them.

Answer #2

Well it depends. If they’re just making a silly joke about their own race then I would probably laugh. But if they truly had some self hate towards their own race then I would be a bit concerned. I think it’s important for people to know and understand where they come from to learn about their roots/culture. If they were my good friend I would sit them down and ask them why they hate their own race so much. That kind of self hate cannot be healthy… But if it were just an acquaintance, I probably wouldn’t say anything. Or if they said something racist I would be like “Ummm, aren’t you (insert ethnicity here) ?”

Answer #3

Racists usually have strong opinions on what they are racist about.you can’t make them understand.its like hitting your own head to wall.i wouldn’t say a thing to them.it is not always a regular hate for no reason.may be they were bullied for who they were and started to hate their country or what ever.bullying can make many unhealthy emotions like this.but i know a way to end this only if that person is a friend or relative of you.it can’t work on strangers.we had a friend that was from Asia and she used to hate her country she also said that she hates bullying i saw link between two.and she used to say it everytime we’d talk about nations.we friends made a plan thatfrom now on everytime we start talking on this topic we all have to mention the good things about her country and we searched it on internet lol and found many positive points and it worked.not in one day ofcourse but when ever she talks about it now she praises Lord and says yeah i love my country.the point is that the girl had so much negative energy and we brought positive energy which helped her.and there is another situation that racism against self may occur is that a person shows hate to his race to defend him self from being others joke or to avoid getting sacrastic comments to feel safe.that gives bully no room to make a joke about it so yeah thats it.it hapened to me too when i went to foriegn country for buissness and i used to be a big talk among those people.in KSA but those people have a diferent way for life than us.so i don’t blame them.just stay positive and know the facts everyone and every place has good and bad so nobody is perfect!!

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