Anyone From Saudi Arabia?

How is it there?

Answer #1

I am living here for buissness from years my new new home so yeah.what do you want to know? like how people are there and how is to to live there.Men mostly wear that white clothes called “toub”,and women wear “hijab” that covers face and “abaya” that covers whole body.strict rules against wine,flirting,sex without marriage,gay sex and there are like many rules one can’t completly memorize.i was once arrested for wearing skinny jeans and i was like what the hell!.haha but due to strict rules life is easy there.petrol is cheaper than water,you can have good breakfast with one dollar.malls everywhere.and alien who is not a citizen of KSA will have important things to clearify like you cannot work on your ksa citizen must be your responsible.your properties will be written to his name,like cars,houses and shops etc.but life is completely safe.not much of roberies, is safe there if you want to know anything else.

Answer #2

Strict rules? Wow sounds like to much communist if you ask me, the Gov always wants to control things :o.

Answer #3

Strict rules? Wow sounds like to much communist if you ask me, the Gov always wants to control things :o.

Answer #4

Strict rules? Wow sounds like to much communist if you ask me, the Gov always wants to control things :o.

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