Finance, Jobs & Money Questions

  1. What would be a good December special for our Spa this month?
  2. Why sonographer job involves risk of health problems?
  3. How to improve on our credit rating?
  4. What's the most wanted job for a civil engineer nowadays?
  5. How much debt do you have?
  6. How does online translation job work?
  7. How is Chinese economy booming all of a sudden now?
  8. What jobs to australia / america / new zealand need?
  9. How does Paid Surveys work?
  10. How to accept the fact that I lost a customer in my workplace?
  11. Are silver nickels worth anything?
  12. Does it cost to have a paypal account?
  13. Can women enlist in the US Marines?
  14. what is the best time to shop during black friday when everything is on sale for cheap?
  15. how can a employer pay national insuranceon behalf of a employee without a national insurance number?
  16. Why does some of the world have some much (Money and benefits), when other parts have so little?
  17. Would Aupairing oversees be a good idea for someone who does not know what to study when done with school?
  18. How much interest can you earn on your money in your paypal account?
  19. what could i have as a business name including my first name, "Grace what"?
  20. Does anyone know what a 'five finger discount' refers to?
  21. Who knows what the laws are regarding employment for pregnant women?
  22. When looking at a promotion or sale what catches your eye more, a percent off or a dollar amount off?
  23. Do you still need a lawyer if you are being wrongly sued and you know you have all the evidence and contracts you need to win the case?
  24. Is there a limit to how many times you can sue a certain individual?
  25. What do you think of unemployment and how they have extended unemployment benefits?
  26. How would an airport handle a "patdown" of a cancer patient who has a colostomy bag?
  27. Who is the wealthiest person in the world, and how wealthy are they?
  28. How much money do you need to retire at 30yrs old?
  29. When you are gonna turn in a job application what is the best thing to do or say when turning it in?
  30. How can tell a counterfeit Canadian $20 bill?
  31. what job can only be done while its raining?
  32. What is meant when speaking of notional income?
  33. Is modeling really that tough?
  34. How much money do you save a year?
  35. Which country has the wealthiest people per capita?
  36. Can anyone breifly explain to me how IRA works?
  37. Do you think that your appearance can have a direct impact on your career and advancement?
  38. Where could I sell chocolate covered pretzels legally, if I was to make them?
  39. Which would you be: A veterinarian, Lawyer, or Nurse?
  40. How do I calculate how much money I make a year?
  41. what are the basic steps for starting up a business in the UK specifiacally a catering business?
  42. What does 'social work' entail?
  43. What job did you dream of doing when you were little and are you doing it today?
  44. What do you think are some legitimate reasons for someone to quit there job?
  45. How do you pick a good career field if you have a wide range of interest?
  46. Do you think work/office romances can be successful?
  47. Do you keep your money in a debit/checking account or do you keep cash on you, which do you prefer?
  48. How many careers are there in the world?
  49. How does the stock market work?
  50. What are some of the most dangerous jobs in the world?
  51. what is the hourly wage of a house cleaner?
  52. What business would you choose, if you could own your own business?
  53. Should a young man wear a shirt and tie to a job interview or is just a nice shirt ok?
  54. What does career objective mean in a job application?
  55. what does degree/area of study mean in a job application?
  56. What are the differences between keeping money in a bank and keeping money in a credit union?
  57. How come most college or university graduates do not have jobs?
  58. Is anybody a journalist??
  59. Can an email affect any application, such as a job application or for school?
  60. How often do you get a bank statement from santander?
  61. Do you think technology has created more work or less?
  62. What stocks would be the best to invest in?
  63. can i get a florida babers license if i have a felony?
  64. what part of the military would u join if u were made to join, and why?
  65. Would you prefer to work four ten hour days or five eight hour days?
  66. Where can I find out how much something antique is worth?
  67. How can you collect the full amount you are owed, if a person owes you more than the maximum amount allowed in small claims court?
  68. How do I find a job that won't do a background check in Washington?
  69. Why does it seem the best way to get a pay raise these days is to job hop?
  70. What job requires the most education/schooling?
  71. Would you stay at a job that you're not great at?
  72. What would be better to invest in, Gold or Sliver?
  73. Why do people say money is not everything?
  74. What are some good ideas for a reasonably paying second job I can work at next year?
  75. How can I encourage my employees to be more motivated?
  76. How would you feel if somebody told you that your not allowed to get a job at a certain place because of your nationality/religion?
  77. When do you think the United States economy will re-bound back into what it was before?
  78. Would lowering taxes help the economy, or make it worse?
  79. Does anyone know any watersports JOBS which are near or in brighton? :)
  80. How much would a UK six pence coin from 1960 be worth?
  81. How much do veterinarians get paid per hour?
  82. How do I know if I have an addiction to spending money?
  83. what is interior photography?
  84. Do you think it is important to take business classes in order to set up a small business?
  85. What informatiom does employment background sow?
  86. What are the best companies to invest in the stock-market?
  87. what does course of study mean in a job application?
  88. How do I save up money from £5-£34 ?
  89. Who knows about how real estate agents earn income?
  90. Does Walmart hire felons?
  91. How would you go about finding a good real estate agent?
  92. how tall do you have be to be an Air hostess ?
  93. Is it going to be more than 60% online jobs from now on as we get to see more and more number of people only interested in online jobs?
  94. who can explain this economics statement ASAP?
  95. If i say i sold my car for $200, how much would the taxes be when we go to the tax, title, and license place to switch the title?
  96. Do you go to the bank in order to open up a savings account or a checking account?
  97. How can we earn big in article writing sites?
  98. What do you have to do in order to become a real estate agent?
  99. How long do you think it will take the American dollar to regain its former strength ?
  100. Is it possible for a civil engineer applying job in Oil Company?