Do you think technology has created more work or less?

I think it’s created less work because now, a lot of things are done by computers…and there is no need for actual people to do the work.

What do you think?

Answer #1

More work, less brain matter. So. Is it really better? I would say not.

Answer #2

Depends on the work. Some technology could make workers obsolete but at the same time that technology will more than likely need some sort of repair so workers are needed for that. Like building cars, for example, back in the day there were tons of actual workers on those lines building cars. Now, robots build them, so most assembly line workers are no longer needed. But they have to have mechanics and technicians on staff to repair those robots. It’s sort of a “Catch 22” thing.

Answer #3

it has created more jobs for skilled people but less jobs for unskilled people


Answer #4

Not necessarily “unskilled”, rather workers of a different profession.

Answer #5

I think technology just shift work, like with the railroad, you had people that built the railroad by hand. Then they built a machine to help build the railroad with less people and faster. Well now you need more material, you have more infrastructure to maintain, and some one has to be able to fix the railroad building machine. So no Ido not think technology makes less work, I do think it can create a shift in work.

Answer #6

well when i ay skilled i mean like engineers that have spent a good part of their lives at college to reach masters or phd level. when i say unskilled i mean the average person on the street with some higers or the equivalent.


Answer #7

I work on servers for companies like BMW, Face Book, Fandango, etc and this is a lot of work for me, plus with people wanting things up and running 24/7 there is even more work.

Answer #8

Right! That’s what I was trying to get at.

Answer #9

I would have to say yes and no, say you have a crew building cars, and then they build a machine that will build that car with the push of a button. Well you don’t want a engineer to push that button, so you train someone that there sole function is to push that button. Then you have trainers to train people how to push the button. THey need a manager, to manage the button pusher. You then need a crew to maintain the machine operated by the button. Now that you can create cars so much easier, you need to make improvements and more variety, well now we need more designers, managers for the designers, etc etc, I could go on forever.

Answer #10

It’s just hard to generalize a population of people based on their education level. I know many people whom you would call “unskilled” that are more skilled than the people who went to school to do the same thing. But I do understand what you mean =)

Answer #11

i think less.because now we can find out so much more on like medical illeneses and like we can also use computers for persay buisiness books.

Answer #12

Dont give the guy a hard time, it is simply the common term used when discussing the different types of labor. He did not invent those terms and neither is he using them to be derogatory. It may not be quite accurate, but then political correctness has not quite hit all the economic terms as yet.

Answer #13

There is a lot less manual labor and a lot more white collar jobs available now. It’s just less physically demanding and tedious.

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