Health Questions

  1. Cough and cold remedies.
  2. Trying to get clean asap
  3. Pull out method
  4. Bleeding please please help anyboby FAST
  5. How many times do we grow a year?
  6. Could I be pregnant?
  7. Physical exam
  8. Truth serum
  9. Does losinq yewr virqinity effect your period?
  10. Negative or am I?
  11. Back ache/pain
  12. Annoying ulcers!
  13. I wake up a lot during the night what could this be?
  14. My Knee = Red
  15. OCD vanished???
  16. Getting rid of this cough...
  17. How can I tell if im pregnant without a test
  18. Why won't they just GROW?
  19. Why do my hands randomly fall asleep?
  20. Pill injection, do you gain weight?
  21. Infection
  22. Heavy bleeding whilst on the pill
  23. I need some advice on getting thc out of my system.
  24. Sore and itchy breasts
  25. Can you develop cancer from shaving your arms?
  26. 35 weeks pregnant and today my pee is orange
  27. I can't cum
  28. Is it normal to miss your period for 4 months?
  29. Will I be clean for a piss test after smoking weed for 6 days
  30. Depression help
  31. Birthcontrol pills
  32. I just ran a marathon and my poop is green. what gives?
  33. Im 14 and I havent started my periods and..
  34. how to get rid of acid reflux naturally?
  35. I havent started my periods yet and im 14 is that normal?
  36. I havent been able to sleep for weeks
  37. Menstruel question
  38. How do I know if am pregnant?
  39. How can you smoke pot without getting high?
  40. How do I make my dick and ball smaller?
  41. go to doctor without parents knowing
  42. Bad Insomnia - Help!
  43. Amp energy drink..
  44. Getting Anger Out
  45. Can it make my period longer?
  46. Lice in room
  47. how long should I wai tbefore seeing a doctor?
  48. Medical advice
  49. My boobs hurt what could this be?
  50. Do you have colds and stuff like that when you are pregnant
  51. Low voice and short term memory lose
  52. Why do I do this?
  53. Scared it's an std
  54. Help with rape
  55. Whats a stoge?
  56. H1n1 vaccination
  57. If you wear a tampon, do you need liners?
  58. What was the average age to start a period in 1969?
  59. How can I get rid of my cough, or help it?
  60. Why do I smell blood but theres no there?
  61. How do you know if you're depressed?
  62. Am I pregnant if I have my period, including blood clots and cramps
  63. Medical Question (Please Help)
  64. Can you still get pregnant if he didnt cum
  65. is it natural to not eat for 2 days and not be hungry?
  66. How do you know if you have finished growing?
  67. What does brown discharge mean?
  68. Trichotillomania :l
  69. How can she get rid of the lice?
  70. Why did I have a second period after 2 weeks?
  71. Are there any home remedies for period cramps?
  72. Am I depressed or its just those teen things,,,?
  73. Sick=Blood And Woodlice? What the...
  74. Could a tongue piercing harm my baby?
  75. Why is my jaw so messed up???
  76. Is the swelling still going to go down even more with time?
  77. How can I make my feet stop growing?
  78. Is this pregnancy test right?
  79. Whats a diaphragm?
  80. If you are sick do you get hungry a lot?
  81. How can I get my period flow to be way lighter?
  82. Does marijuana ruin your singing voice?
  83. How can I deal with my fear of dying?
  84. Is unrolling a condom supposed to be easy?
  85. Sore throat and migraine?
  86. S0 c0nfused; whats this happening?
  87. im in pain. I need help!
  88. I just started my period yeaterday
  89. Going to the doctors myself?
  90. Huge Nipples and 'Lips'
  91. I swallowd plastic!
  92. Bilsters???
  93. I have a rash all over my face
  94. How Can I Get My Braces Off Earlier?
  95. Thought on Psychiatrist
  96. Are your boobs itchy when your pregnent?
  97. When im sleep sometimes I cant move or open my eyes at all
  98. Do guys have periods??
  99. Why are my breasts itchy?
  100. Is it weird to feel like crying but not know why?