Is it normal to miss your period for 4 months?

I had my period about 3-4 months ago…and I have never had it since, and I’m 14 years old!…is there something wrong with me?…will I ever have a proper period again?

Answer #1

I’ve had the same thing for a month, and I had all the PMS too, but I asked my mum and she says it happens to most people in the first few years, so don’t worry. Enjoy it. Seriously: period’s are not fun.

Answer #2

I’m in the same thing only I’ve only missed a month, but my mum says it’s normal for the first few years so dont worry about it. just enjoy it. jeez period’s aren’t fun you know.

Answer #3

omq I just cant believe it I was just askinq the same question. im 14 and the same thinq happened to me 4 months ago I had my period and ever since then I stoped I don’t know whats wronq but I saw on this tv show and they said that if you dont have your period for below then 6 months its normal. but im not sure if its true so id say qo see a doctor. and I’ve qot to do the same.

qood luck:)

Answer #4

Well the same thing has been happening to me. I haven’t had my period since december 15th 2009 and now it is april 4th. I am fifteen years old, 5’7’’ and I only weigh 100 pounds. My doctor and my mom told me that your period will be very irrelgular for the first year or so since my first period on february 2nd, 2009. Besides, periods are not enjoyable because you have to run to the washroom every hour, enjoy not having your period while you can.

Answer #5

It’s normal for teens/young adults to have irregular periods - especially if you haven’t been getting your period very long. Many things can cause you to not have a period including pergnancy, stress, illness, sudden change in weight, etc… But since you’ve said you’ve never had sex, pregnancy isn’t a choice. If your truly worried, talk with your mom or older sister if you have one and see what they say. If it’s really bothering you maybe you should go to a doctor just to be safe.

Answer #6

and no I havn’t had sex.

Answer #7

if you havent had sex then its probably normal if youve recently started your period its also common for it to be irregular for a few years also other things could cause you to miss a period like stress, being underweight and over-exerscising

Answer #8

no I havn’t.

Answer #9

well the same thing happened to me and im 13 years old but I havent had sex and I asked my mom and she said it was normal for us that are young to not have you period for 4 months

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