Health Questions

  1. What can cause blood in your stool, and when you wipe?
  2. what is the most common blood type??
  3. when i was in a hospital this grl screamed "LABOR IN DELIVERY" what does it mean?
  4. Is exercising bad for a cold?
  5. What can stain braces?
  6. Why am i dizzy when i stand up?
  7. Do peroids cause you to have nightmares?
  8. What kind of health effects does skin cancer have on the body?
  9. What is sum info about A.D.D?
  10. does everyone have really small bumps on the inside of their bottom lip?
  11. What can i burn under your tongue feel like?
  12. what could these bumps on me be?
  13. would i be more at risk of getting cancer if 5 of my family members died of cancer?
  14. Why do i have purple streak marks across my back?
  15. What are the most common symptoms of SUGAR DIABETES?
  16. Is bleach the same thing as clorox?
  17. why are his headaches so bad?
  18. How come my stomach hurts everyday?
  19. why did this happen to my right side of the hear?
  20. why is it every time i eat and drink i get acid ?
  21. is it normail to have small bumps in the inner libia?
  22. is it bad for me to dance while im pregnant?
  23. What is the process of IVF?
  24. Is there any kinda medication to prevent mood swings?
  25. What are some ways to help prevent the chances of getting a yeast infection?
  26. how to know if a person has ear wax in his ears?
  27. What should i do, should i get tested?
  28. What can cause bumps to mysteriously pop up on your upper back/ right shoulder?
  29. How come Ive only lost like 3 or 4 teeth?
  30. Why does cum when you get it wet turn from creamy and sticky to like little clumps I really don't understand that could someone help?
  31. How do you get over a cold if no medicine us helping?
  32. What is the explaination for this?
  33. Do I get seasonal depression?
  34. Is there any health risks to eating an entire box of cheerios every other day?
  35. What does setrogen do to your body physically ?
  36. why do my teeth feel like they are clicking?
  37. Does migraines cause the feeling of reality being a dream?
  38. Why does my stomach burn?
  39. How bad would intercourse be if I'm already in my late 2nd trimester with twins?
  40. Does anyone know where I can find imformation on media effecting how people feel about their body?
  41. how many times a day does children grow?
  42. What is oxygens journey thru the nose to the alveoli?
  43. why are my arms and legs so skinny and scrawny?
  44. What's a good food or drink to fill you up when you're feeling really hungry?
  45. How Many Cups of Tea or coffee Should I Drink Each Day?
  46. is it true that if a girl cums an then a guy cums in her she cant get pregenet?
  47. How can I stop my hips from popping out during stretchs?
  48. Is gingivitis cureable or once you've got it that's it you're stuck with it for life?
  49. How can I stop ache?
  50. WHat will happen if i refreeze shirmp, i accidently thawed out the whole bag, will i get sick?
  51. Which do you prefer- gummy vitamins or chewable?
  52. Why does it feel like i cant breathe deep enough?
  53. What does my sister mean when she says she is "bleeding"?
  54. do you know what are the side effects of NEUROBION multivitamins?
  55. Why do i feel dizzy and lightheaded all of a sudden ?
  56. When will I get my voice back?
  57. Is there an easy way for someone to get out of depression without seeing a professional?
  58. How do I stop being so sensitive and over-emotional?
  59. Do people get especially tired after they dream in thier sleep?
  60. Why cant i eat after a certain time?
  61. what if the husband drinks the breast milk?
  62. Should i be trying anti depressants?
  63. Is there something wrong with my hormones.?
  64. what the hell is human proinsulin and insulin, antibody production, assy development and clinical application ?
  65. How many mutations of the common cold are there?
  66. Who would want to die at the age of 91 and why?
  67. Are scars easy to get rid of ?
  68. how many people have had their teeth pulled?
  69. What is going on with my heath?!
  70. Why does stress make you gain weight?
  71. What should I do about my wound?
  72. is it concidered murder if u knowingly give someone AIDS?
  73. Why do I have slick sticky sliva?
  74. what happen if i lower my cholesterol?
  75. What causes ringing in the ears?
  76. Why is it with men that can stay so calm in stressful situations, i don't get it?
  77. what is Diptheria,Tetanus and Polio ?
  78. how do i know its my appendix that is hurting me?
  79. Who still wears birth control paches?
  80. What are some good ways to sooth a sinus head-ache?
  81. how can i relieve muscle tension in my feet?
  82. what helps with hot flashes?
  83. is not having an appetite healty?
  84. what happens if you stop taking your vitimen D and iron tabelts?
  85. Why do flies like pissing you off so much??
  86. What's wrong with my breast?
  87. how to get rid of conjunctavitus (pink eye) fast?
  88. What could be causing my friends tongue to still be numb 2 weeks after having her wisdom teeth removed?
  89. how do i control myself from grinding my teeth when i sleep?
  90. Who knows some men disease?
  91. Why do people always take the "easy way out", when trying to lose weight, like diet pills, and such?
  92. Whats a herpie ?
  93. Why is this coming out of my vagina?
  94. What do i do if im not sure wether its pregnancy or a cold?
  95. How come my feet feel tingly when i do a toe-touch ?
  96. Why does crying give you a headache?
  97. What does it even mean when yr itchy ?
  98. how can i see my doctor quicker than having to wait 3 weeks?
  99. what is the average age for a man to stop growing?
  100. Why is it that we are born with 300 bones, but by adulthood we only have 206 in our bodies?