why are his headaches so bad?

my friend has been having huge headaches on a daily basis so he wen to the doctor and the doctor just said it was genetics and sent him off with a prescription. the medication it not helping at all. it just keeps getting worse. i know doctors are professionals but i think he needs to look at some other angles. any ideas of what he can say to the doctor to possibly trigger him to do so? please help :( he is miserable.

Answer #1

Tell him to go to another doctor, it could be something as nonharmful (but panful) as migrains, or it could be something more serious. I would find a doctor would will take the time to actually run some test and figure out whats going on. My fiance had exremely bad headaches as a teen, so bad he would bang his head against things begging them to stop, he saw 10 doctors before someone finally did an xray of his head and found the cause.

Answer #2

Tell him to keep going back until the doctor refers him to a neurologist (he needs a doctor’s referral to see a specialist). I went through the same thing and it seems like there’s no light at the end of the tunnel, but once the doctor has done everything he can do, he has to refer the patient to a specialist.

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