Is there any health risks to eating an entire box of cheerios every other day?

Lol, this may sound stupid, but ive been craving cheerios like crazy and am currently eating a big box every two days…im still eating healthy normal meals…im just wondering if eating that many cheerios could be bad….

Answer #1

Cheerios are reasonably healthy as far as cereals go; they aren’t loaded with sugar like many of them are and are mostly whole grain. If you are diabetic that much cereal probably isn’t a good idea but other wise they aren’t bad.

I get on cereal kicks myself; I might go for months without being in the mood for cereal then I’ll eat a huge bowl of ceral every day for breakfast for a few days then not be in the mood for it for months. Most of the time I just eat a lot of fruit for breakfast.

Answer #2

actually its really good lol… i have a link so u can see but idk if i can post it here? can i?

Answer #3

Cheerios aren’t bad at all.. I wouldn’t if it were Cinnamon Toast Crunch, or something. You have healthy pregnancy cravings.. I’ve never heard of that. lol. I’m wondering if your cholesterol will vanish all together? :P

Answer #4

The American Heart association suggest you eat atleast 6 servings a day of grain and whole grain products, which cherrios is known to have. Cherrios can help you keep a healthy cholesterol level, has fiber, and is heart healthy food (:

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