Health Questions

  1. Should I take a pregnancy test soon?
  2. How to wake up for school?
  3. What causes Excema?
  4. What happened to make my friend sick like this?
  5. Is it too early for a pregnancy test?
  6. Am I experiencing implantation bleeding?
  7. Can I get an abortion without my parents knowing?
  8. How do you stay focused and not stressed?
  9. What are the risks of cutting?
  10. How far along am I in pregnancy?
  11. What could bad pain in my right hip be?
  12. How to correct crooked legs?
  13. How did cancer come about?
  14. Should I get my period soon after taking Plan B?
  15. Am I supposed to get my period after taking the Plan B pill?
  16. How serious is it to get an operation for my boy's testicles?
  17. What does is mean when you have green stool?
  18. What are your views on teenage pregnancy?
  19. Will birth control make me sterile?
  20. Why is my pillow always wet when I wake up?
  21. What's wrong with my friend's throat?
  22. What are steroids?
  23. What are these searing pains in my hips?
  24. Does birth control make you sterile?
  25. Teen help for free online?
  26. Get drunk without drinking alcohol?
  27. Autoimmunity disease and Rheumatory disease
  28. How to forgive myself for my past addictions?
  29. Has anyone experienced hiccuping during early pregnancy?
  30. Gastric bypass for a 350lb woman?
  31. Does anyone recognize any of these symptoms?
  32. Why am I bleeding continually?
  33. Is being uncircumcized bad?
  34. Advantages and disadvantages of smoking?
  35. How do you make a homemade emetic?
  36. How to treat bulimia at home?
  37. What causes a lazy eye?
  38. Ross river virus distribution?
  39. How to knock out a bug that has been stuck in my throat for over a week?
  40. After you lose your virginity do you bleed a lot?
  41. How to ease bad period cramps?
  42. Is my missed period a symptom of pregnancy?
  43. Is eating differently a sign of depression?
  44. Should I begin my family if I have arthritis?
  45. Can women pee through their vagina?
  46. What is the name of the plan B pill?
  47. Lump in my stomach in the tanning bed
  48. How to handle my depression?
  49. Is this an eating disorder?
  50. Big boobs causing back problems
  51. Should I get a second opinion about my depression?
  52. How do kidneys respond to a decrease in blood oxygen?
  53. What do you think this growing bruise is?
  54. Did I break my hymen from using tampons?
  55. Tips for becoming pregnant?
  56. Why won't I get pregnant?
  57. What happens during an MRI scan?
  58. What color to do highlights?
  59. How to handle chocolate cravings when on my period?
  60. Good cosmetic surgeon in Texas?
  61. How Long Does Marijuana Take To Leave Your System?
  62. What's wrong that makes me feel like passing out?
  63. What could sharp lower back pain mean?
  64. Could she get pregnant from this?
  65. Why do I feel things move when I lay on my stomach?
  66. What Do Mental Health Workers Do?
  67. Why are my hand always cold?
  68. Will anorexia help me lose it?
  69. What if I might be pregnant?
  70. Fordyce spots: more prominent over time?
  71. The limit of the human life span?
  72. HELP ME PLEASE!!!1
  73. What's the best remedy for a cold?
  74. How to convince my parents to let me get antidepressants?
  75. Why can't I Keep Food in my Stomach?
  76. What's the problem with my period?
  77. How long does it take to get addicted to smoking?
  78. Am I going to get sick for taking too much medicine on accident?
  79. Can I become pregnant from this?
  80. Where did my period go?
  81. How to remove alcohol from breath?
  82. Why am I not showing yet?
  83. Is it OK to be 16 and not have your period?
  84. How should I tell that I was raped when I was 8?
  85. Does anyone know anything about air high?
  86. When did I get pregnant?
  87. What is the hymen?
  88. Has anyone hear about "Zydena"?
  89. How to be anorexic?
  90. What do you think of Chiropractic Care?
  91. How many months until a baby kicks?
  92. Are there any other TWLOHA supporters on Fun Advice?
  93. What's a very good colon cleanse?
  94. Did having Chlamydia make me infertile?
  95. What are the chances of recovery?
  96. Can you buy Viagra online without a prescription?
  97. What if I got my cousin pregnant?
  98. Can you become an OB/GYN in college with a GED?
  99. Is brownish vaginal discharge normal?
  100. brownish virginal discharge