How serious is it to get an operation for my boy's testicles?

how serious is it to have my little boys balls droped, by the looks of it they are stuck up in his belly, im very scared about this,

Answer #1

Bottlesmum - Just wanted to point out that you are a scumbag loser who clearly has some form of untreatable mental illness!

Anyway, moving on to the adults on here…

The Undescended Testicle What is an undescended testicle?

Testicles are part of the male body. They make male hormones and sperm. Usually both testicles are inside the scrotum. While boy babies are still growing inside the uterus, the testicles are inside the abdomen. They usually move down into the scrotum just before or just after birth. An undescended testicle is one that did not move down into the scrotum.

Undescended testicles are common in boy babies. Up to 30 percent of boys born early and 5 percent of boys born on time have at least one undescended testicle. If your newborn baby has an undescended testicle, it will usually move down on its own in the first few months of life. If this doesn’t happen after three or four months, it may need to be treated by a doctor.

How would I know if my baby has an undescended testicle?

Your doctor can tell if your baby has an undescended testicle by checking the baby’s scrotum. If your doctor can’t feel the testicles inside the scrotum, it’s called a “nonpalpable” testicle. A nonpalpable testicle might be inside the abdomen, or too small to feel or not there at all. It’s important to find out which one is the reason. Unfortunately, an x-ray can’t tell if a nonpalpable testicle is inside the abdomen. Doctors usually have to do surgery to find out.

Why does an undescended testicle have to be treated?

There are two reasons to treat an undescended testicle. First, undescended testicles may not make sperm. Testicles are in the scrotum because the temperature there is cooler than it is inside the body. A cooler temperature helps the testicles make sperm. A man’s ability to make sperm can be lost in early childhood if the testicle doesn’t drop down into the scrotum. A baby boy can start to lose the ability to make sperm by 12 months of age. Getting the testicle down into the scrotum early in life can help him have a better chance of having children when he grows up.

Second, an undescended testicle is more likely to develop a tumor. Testicular cancer affects one of every 2,000 men with an undescended testicle. This rate of testicular cancer is higher than the rate in men whose testicles have dropped naturally. When the testicle is inside the scrotum, a man can easily feel his testicles to check for a tumor, or he can be checked by his doctor. This way, any tumor can be found early, when the cancer is easier to cure.

How is an undescended testicle treated?

Treatment for an undescended testicle depends on where it is. Babies with a testicle that can be felt in the groin (the area where your thigh meets your body) often get an operation called orchiopexy (say: or-key-oh-peck-see). Babies who have this operation usually go home the same day. The operation is done through a small cut in the groin. It takes about one hour. Most babies get better very quickly.

Another treatment is a hormone called hCG. Your doctor might give your child hCG in a shot. HCG helps the testicles make male hormones. A higher level of male hormones might move the testicle down into the scrotum. This treatment is best if the testicle is already very close to the scrotum.

If you are an adult with an undescended testicle, moving the testicle to the scrotum probably won’t improve your ability to make sperm. So in adult men, an undescended testicle is usually just taken out. Doctors often don’t do anything about an undescended testicle in men over 40. If you are an older man with an undescended testicle, your doctor can help you decide what to do.

Answer #2

I’ve took him docters im waiting for an appointment for him to have a scan, I just wanted to know how serious this is

Answer #3

How old is your boy?

Answer #4

Here is a little bit of info that may put your mind at rest a bit. Don’t forget, it is natural for you to get anxious about this op but I understand that it is very safe.

What Is The Treatment For An Undescended Testis?

Operative treatment (surgery) is performed to bring the testicle down into the scrotal sac and to prevent or lesson the likelihood of problems associated with an undescended testicle. In addition, the congenital hernia is corrected at the same time the undescended testicle is placed within the scrotal sac.

Non-operative treatment might include a series of hormone shots to stimulate testicular growth and descent into the scrotal sac. Unfortunately, results of hormone therapy have not been predictable and are generally unsuccessful.

When Should The Surgery Be Done?

Surgery at the age of 1 year is now recommended and should allow for maximum preservation of fertility. This may reduce the risk of developing testicular tumors later in life. Furthermore, surgery at this age allows for a normal male appearance before the school age.

The Surgery

The goal of surgery is to bring the testicle(s) into the scrotum; the procedure is usually done on an outpatient basis. This means your child may come into the hospital in the morning, have the operation under anesthesia, and go home the same afternoon. He may be required to stay overnight if he has other medical problems, such as asthma or diabetes, or if both sides need to be repaired.

The surgery consists of making a small incision in the groin to locate the testicle. Once located, the testicle is brought down into the scrotum through a small scrotal incision. It is then sutured (stitched) into the scrotum. In some instances the testes are in the abdominal cavity. Laproscopy, looking into the abdomen with a telescope is necessary. In cases where the testes is intraabdominal the testes can be brought down using a Laproscopic technique, which minimizes the size of the incision and discomfort post operatively.

The groin and scrotal incisions are closed with sutures that dissolve and do not have to be removed. Following surgery, the scrotum usually becomes “black and blue” and swollen. This will take several weeks to disappear. If your child experiences pain at home, Tylenol or Tylenol with codeine can be given.

Preparing Your Child for Surgery

If your child is toddler age, you may explain that he will go to the hospital for one day to have an operation. Since he is just beginning to talk, and his understanding of surgery is limited, simply tell him that the doctor is going to fix his testicle ( use whatever name with which he is familiar).

Your child will need reassurance that you will be there. He may be frightened by the unfamiliar hospital routines and environment but will be comforted if you reassure him that you are not going to leave him and that he will return home soon.

Your child may wish to bring a special toy, doll, or blanket with him when he comes to the hospital. Of course, your presence is his best source of comfort. You will be able to stay with him as long as possible both before and after surgery.

Remember: Do not give your child aspirin or Ibuprofen. Your child may be reluctant to walk at first, but encourage him to walk the day after surgery. He may return to school in two or three days and may participate in sports after his postoperative check-up.

Answer #5

I would take him to the doctor… or call and ask your mom or the fathers mom or some female that has had boys.

Answer #6

would if my son is 5 years old. His dr gave him an ultrasound. I am worried now. So this means he wont be able to have children when he is older? How serious is this now that he is 5yrs.

Answer #7

I have a white lump on my scrotum and im 15 freaking out it half the sizt of my thumb nail and im scared to show anyone

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