Where did my period go?

I havent had my period for 6 months and there is no posibble way that I could be pregnant. I am 15…is that normal?

Answer #1

it is actually quite common for teenagers periods to be all over the place. sometimes though like other person said stress can halt it also being too slim as in anorexia can also stop it comming. I had a friend who was 28 and worked out so much it stopped coming all together. go haev a gyno check up get some bloods taken and sort it out so your mind is at rest xx

Answer #2

Dear abbielynn, Yes it can be normal. You must make an appointment with your doctor and discuss this with him. There could be many, many reasons why it hasn’t returned. Sue…good luck

Answer #3

it could be stress .or if you are starving yourself..thats what happened to me.

Answer #4

Tell your Mom about it. Go see a doctor. You must find out what is wrong with your body.

Take care of yourself.

Answer #5

I am 15 too and my period has also late but mine has only been 2 months. It might just be stress.

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