What if I might be pregnant?

I am 16 ggoin on 17 in a couple of months and I might be pregnant and I don’t know what to do?

Answer #1

first thing is not to panic, it’s not the end of the world what ever you decide it can be sorted out, first go to your nearest family planning clinic or go see your doctor, find out if you are actually pregnant because testsare not always reliable so your best to be 100% sure, then if you are pregnant whatever you should want to do, weather thats keep the baby or get an abortion, tell your boyfriend, and tell your parents, I was pregnant last year and I was terrified of telling my parents but I did and it was okay, they wasn’t angry just upset, my boyfriend never supposed me when I miscarried and they was there for me, don’t go throughit alone. or if your not pregnant, take this as a wake up call and use a condom or go on the pill, get the injection or the rod implant, just have safe sex, that way you never have to wonder what ifs, and you’ll know your period will be coming whatever you choose, hope this helps :)

Answer #2

Well go to a nearby clinic and take a real test and see what the outcome is and then tell your boyfriend or whoever and you guys can decide what to do together

Answer #3

Me and my boyfriend have been together for over 3years im going on 17 in 3 months he is going on 18 in 2 months and he said he would stick by me if I was pregnant but ion know how my parents would react and I have a job I make over 400 each month he has a job but ion know if that would be enoughf to support a child and I say I might be pregnant cause he ejaculated in me more than once and my period is supposed to come this week

Answer #4

well, first make sure you are pregnant, take a test or see your doctor.. and also, you need to inform your parents, and the potential father..

Answer #5

You need to take a pregnancy test, and if it comes out positive you need to tell your parents so that you can get the right prenantal care!

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