What is the hymen?

Ok, I’ve heard hymen a lot and I know its in the va-ja-ja but what is it and whats it got to do with virginity???

Answer #1

The hymen is a fold of mucous membrane which surrounds or partially covers the external vaginal opening. it brakes when you lose your virginty, (it doesnt hurt when this brakes)

Answer #2

Also you should know that by the time you get into your late teens/early twenties, the hymen has probably ruptured on its own, even earlier if you are athletically active.

Answer #3

angelfire, this account is FAU. it’s a robot. if someone asks a question and asks for it to be anonymous, it goes under the account name FAU. none of the other questions have anything to do with this particular girl.

sophie_lea is right. but I’m sure you’ve probably heard about it before, when people break their hymen they call it “popping the cherry.”

Answer #4

If you dont have any idea about virginity, and hymens, how come one of your previous questions you wanted to know if you should have an abortion? You said your were 19 in that one. Then another question you said you were turning 14 in March, so are you 19 or 13?

Answer #5

Can your hymen break by gettng fingured?

Answer #6

oh wow angelfire, even I know this one. if someone appears as “fau” that means its an anonymous. So the person who asked this question, the one about abortion, and the one who told you that he/she was 13 all marked their questions as anonymous. they didnt want anyone to know who asked them. Duh

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