How to wake up for school?

Ok, I just started highschool this year (freshmen) and I go to sleep every night between 10 - 11 sometimes later for projects, this is changed from my middle school years. For the whole year I have to wake up at 6:45 and I do, and I am wide awake, and then when I hit classes, I start to fall asleep. It is really bothering me, I have tried caffine, it only makes me have to pee and makes me more tired. I am not sure what to do! Also, anyone know some good music to wake up to?

Answer #1

eat a good breakfast, give yourself natural energy… that used to happen to me, eat some bananas oats and raisins that’s what my soccer coach would give me for energy, it should work for you

Answer #2

I say you take a shower before you go! that’s what I do!!! and when the weather’s cold I have some fruits or chocolate!!! chocolate is really good in waking me up!! when my sister wakes me up, she wakes me up by saying: “I have a bar of chocolate for you, and my eyes are on it, if you don’t leave that bed I’ll eat it instead!!” and I stay in bed!! then when she gets closer to sea wether im awake or not I take it from her and run away!!! then she gets mad, but to me, the most important thing is that I have the chocolate bar!!! so maybe chocolate could wake you up in school or at home, try it yourself!! good luck!

Answer #3

I remember when I was in school I didn’t have a lot of problems staying awake for class. I went to bed about the same time and would wake up at about the same time. I would always take a shower in the morning to wake me up. I would start it really warm and gradually get it colder and colder until I couldn’t stand it. That was the key to really waking me up. Definitely eat a good breakfast with juice or water. Caffeine will wear off and make you feel tired. If that doesn’t help, you could always try to wake up early and go for a jog or something like that to get your blood really flowing. Good luck.

Answer #4

I think some kinda techno music will help you wake up. If you like techno, that is. And It always helps me!^^

Answer #5

snack on candy or gum in class I prefer “air heads” the red one

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