Did having Chlamydia make me infertile?

I’ve been going with my boyfriend for a year and we have been trying to get pregnant but it hant been going well. in the passed I’ve contracted chylmidia but I have gotten it taken care of is that the reason I really want this baby and so does he.can you help me conceive?

Answer #1

Tisk tisk. I don’t think anyone is going to give an 18-year-old serious advice about conceiving. Just because you’ve been dating for a year, doesn’t mean nothing. Wait till you are done all of your education… have a good career… are married, and stable. THEN come back and ask.

Answer #2

Chlamydia itself cannot cause infertility. PID (Pelvic Inflammatory Disease) is how the woman becomes infertile as women can develop this more easily whilst they have chlamydia. I have read that only 40% of women who have chlamydia, if left untreated, also have PID and become infertile. You will also know if you have had or have PID as it is very very painful.

Answer #3

Dear chacha2000, Yes, there is a chance that could have happened. But don’t try to have a child because of this fear in the back of your mind. You need to go to a clinic and find out if you are indeed fertile. Once you have this information then you may find the need to have a child has changed. You may see you are able and this knowing may make you realize you will be a mother one day…but not today. Sue…good luck

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