Health Questions

  1. Heartbeat, I can hear it through my ear
  2. Anybody know what this flutter in my ear is from?
  3. 20, married with three girls and might be pregnant
  4. Why do people become anorexic?
  5. What makes ya'll feel depressed?
  6. Why are my nipples itchy ?
  7. My OB Panel, is something wrong?
  8. How can I lose my baby?
  9. Thrust and pregnancy
  10. Smoking weed is fun but I gotta stop
  11. I am suffering from severe depression
  12. What is worse, smoking pot or cigs?
  13. How to cure a sore throat
  14. Going to this christian rehab thing, should I quit school?
  15. How to treat a bad burn?
  16. Chances of conceiving or is there something wrong with me?
  17. Vaginal problem, a lot of discharge
  18. Are tall people more likely to develop anorexia?
  19. please someone that understands!!!
  20. Why am I getting so much discharge?
  21. To all you who are not for abortion
  22. HPV and cervical cancer?
  23. Why is one breast bigger?
  24. How long it takes for Loestin24Fe to be effective?
  25. A healthy diet plan before I go to Florida?
  26. Tonsilectomy over, I feel like crap
  27. When you are sick, should you be able to go get food?
  28. I'm not anorexic BUT.. I hate eating
  29. Rash on penis
  30. Any Old Wives Tales that are true?
  31. Why haven't I become pregnant yet?
  32. Two cycles a month, what is the cause
  33. Breast pain two weeks after my period
  34. Headaches, Light Headed, Blotchy skin
  35. Omega-3 Side Effects
  36. What is an eating disorder?
  37. Is it safe for us to conceive when I'm 14?
  38. Can you get pregnant if the sperm doesn't get inside you?
  39. Normal to bleed 2 extra days after your period?
  40. Was this implanation bleeding?
  41. 21 years old havent start my period yet
  42. Can I buy birth control over the counter?
  43. How to know if a bone is broken?
  44. How to get over depression
  45. Scared to get shots
  46. Stressed with no space
  47. Depression is getting worse and worse
  48. Pain under my lower left rib
  49. What are some signs of depression?
  50. I'm a worrywart, how to stop?
  51. Broken arm?
  52. Period stopped coming two months ago
  53. How can I stop abortions?
  54. Down there smells like fish even though I shower a lot
  55. Blurry double vision from one eye only
  56. Cosmetic surgery
  57. I'm having a Tonsilectimy what can I do to calm down?
  58. Can you buy birth control without going to the doctor
  59. Best friend is going to rehab
  60. Im tired of living through this...stage persona!
  61. How tall will I be
  62. I took my first birth control pill before my period came on
  63. How do I get my parents to stop buying junk food?
  64. Sick and Tired of being Sick and Tired
  65. Make eyesight better?
  66. Ectopic pregnancy
  67. where do you stick them
  68. Do you stop growing?
  69. What happens if I wear tampons all the time?
  70. How to strengthen your uterus
  71. Am I or is he infertile?
  72. What to eat when I'm sick?
  73. Im just so tired of life, everythings going wrong for me
  74. Large lump under my left arm
  75. Advantage of smoking?
  76. Colorblind, can you miss out on one color?
  77. How long is a period?
  78. Over The Counter Bill Control Pills
  79. Is coffee bad for you or not?
  80. What kind of food should one eat?
  81. Small flesh hanging from vagina
  82. Curious about death
  83. Has anyone had difficulty getting pregnant in their 30's?
  84. How and why are people bulimic?
  85. What is the disease called "Dislacsia"
  86. Optic nerve
  87. Is it normal for me to be this morbid?
  88. How to tell if a toe is broken
  89. I think I have Restless Leg Syndrome?
  90. How to get rid of lingering cough?
  91. Letting out my stress?
  92. How to stop breast feeding
  93. What causes constipation?
  94. A spreading rash
  95. My period is late and I took a pregancy test last night
  96. What does bloating mean?
  97. I'm really depressed I dont know what to do
  98. What's the obsession with drinking?
  99. Whats in our breasts?
  100. Getting my motivation back?