20, married with three girls and might be pregnant

I have pretty much all of the pregancy systoms. tender breast,nausea,fatigue,peeing a lot more than usual,I am eating a lot more,and moody extremely senstive. I was suspose to have my period on march 20,2008. now it is the 1st of april I still have not started my period yet,but I have a little bit of brown stuff in my underwear . What is this am I starting my period or is it part of pregancy? I have took two pregancy test and one was postive and one was negative I need help here please can you tell me if I am pregany yet?

Answer #1

I believe that you are pregnant but you need to get a blood test done.. talk to you doctor and have the test.. then you will now for sure…

Answer #2

Yoru more likelly to get a false negative than a false postive. You should be old hand at this after 3 lol

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