How can I lose my baby?

Hello my name is susyatta and im 14 and think im pregnat I really dont want a babby and I want to get rite of it but how

Answer #1

Hi Susy. It’s very heart breaking to know that you r so young to be having a baby. you are just a baby yrself! I understand that you r scared. I am 18 and just a few weeks ago I though I was pregnant too and I was scared to death I started thinking about what my family would do and say. But I had my boyfriend’s support because he didn’t mind me having a baby he’s 20. I was its been 2 mths now and I have seen no signs of pregnancy. to be honest with you the first thing that came to my mind was abortion and I was totally against that. After my boyfriend’s support I put my mind back in place and came to the conclusion that don’t matter what anyone have to say I was gona have my baby so there is no need to do a test because I wouldn’t do anything about it anyway. A child is a gift of god you were a gift to yr parents. keep your baby! he/she is gona be the best thing that ever happened to you no matter what!

Answer #2

Ok, well you took the initiative.. unless you were raped, and then along with sex comes the responsiblity of making sure that you can accept of consequences of sex, so therefore if you get pregnant, you have no one else to blame but you and the father, anyways, I hope all works out well.. you should consider options for the baby.. I say raise it… because it is only what you created, and a blessing from God.. good luck. :]

Answer #3

^ just because she got pregnant it doesn’t make her a slut at all, okay? and you can get pregnant even if you DO use protection, so quit whining. who cares if someone can’t have kids.. if she doesn’t want to have a baby then she shouldn’t have to. end of story. abortion isn’t wrong.

Answer #4

Omg…r you serious its your freakin fault you got pregnat and now you want to kill it well I hope you go 2 hell 4 that because it was YOUR choice unless you were raped!

Answer #5

get an abortion? you don’t need your parents to know, or your parents consent you basically just have to have someone drive you home from the abortion clinic once the procedure is over.

Answer #6

you can go to the hospital and have abortion but you have to make appointment with a midwife at your doctors and they will give you advise about it all

Answer #7

A girl shouldn’t be made to feel guilty about abortion or have to go through an unwanted pregnancy because she “deserves” it. We aren’t punishing her.

Maybe she didn’t have the proper sex ed to begin with, so you all can’t just call her “stupid”.

The problem with our society is that we are re-active instead of pro-active. We like to tell our hormone raged teens to just simply ignore their sexuality instead of providing them with the resources to prevent pregnancy.

PREVENTION… is important. Then we wouldn’t b having arguments over abortion being morally wrong or not.

xox Sika

Answer #8

Well you should have thought about that before you went and had sex… next time after you kill this baby… I think you should be more responsible and use condoms… and birth control!!! before you have to kill another… poor baby… theres people that cant have kids… and your just killing your baby… terrible!!! I feel bad for you. I would just give the baby up for adoption if I were you not kill my own kid!!! its not your babies fault its mother is a sl*t and cant use protection!!!

Answer #9

ok first of all,,you should not even have sex at your age,,and I think that abortion should be illegal,,especially for girls like you ,,who were stupid enough to get pregnant at age 14!!!,,,you need to just deal with this like an adult,,if you think you were adult enough to have sex than you should know how to fix this problem on your own,,I have heard of some people that can take pills,,if they are not very far along,,and it kills the phetus,,but if you want my advice,,dont have sex until you are responsible enough to take care of a baby,,because even using condoms,,you can still get pregnant,,,my cousin was using birth control and condoms,,and she still got pregnant,,so QUIT HAVING SEX,,AND THAT SOLVES YOUR PROBLEM!!!

Answer #10

Most women get it done at 3-6months!! the baby has ears and nails… of course the baby feels it!!! thats horrible!!! your a sick sick sick girl!!! wonder how many little babies you killed!!! poor girl!! abortion sticks with you for the rest of your life! knowing that you killed an innocent little baby.. who could have been someone!!! man wake up! realize what you are saying your a very bad advice giver I hope no one listens to you!!!

Poor girl I will pray for you!!!

Answer #11

nope, I don’t think it’s wrong at all. when you get a abortion it’s not even an actual baby yet. who cares. if we made abortion illegal then things would go back how they used to be in the older days, and desperate women would give themselves at-home abortions using a wire coat hanger. might as well get it done by an actual doctor. no, I’m not sick, I’m just realistic. abortions are always going to be around, so get over it.

this is getting off topic.

Answer #12

if you decided to have sex then thats what you get, if you think your old enough to have sex then you deal with the consequences!! but if you were raped I dont think you should get an abotion because you shouldnt end that babies life you should try putting it up for adoption. hope I helped!!

Answer #13

did you willingly have sex.. did you use a condom.. if you did have a sex willingly and you were dumb enough not to use a condom then I think that you DESERVE to get pregnant and have to go through the pain… you were ignorant you shouldnt want to go end a life because you were stupid.. now if you didnt do it willingly then yes go get an abortion but besides that there really is no reason for you end a young life

Answer #14

You think killing babies isnt wrong/!??!?!?/ what are you thinking you sick little girl!!

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