Health Questions

  1. On my period but going to a pool party
  2. Who dislikes/likes fat people?
  3. I cant sleep, should I go to the doctor?
  4. Surgery question
  5. Color of my Period.
  6. Kidney stone operation alternative
  7. How to get over depression
  8. Coming off the pill
  9. Without going to the doctors and taking any tests
  10. Bee sting - is it bad to scratch?
  11. No one wants to smoke with me
  12. Why do i have cramps when i m on my period?
  13. My period is so late
  14. Im emo because I cant find happiness, what do I do?
  15. I have really bad stomach pains.
  16. Can a girl gt pregnant if you put sperm on her backhole?
  17. Does sunlight cure skin cancer?
  18. 15, pregnant and proud of it
  19. Boner Problem
  20. How can you tell if you're depressed?
  21. Whats this pain in my chest?
  22. Good vitamins to heal piercings?
  23. Type in my zip code and find a local free clinic near me?
  24. Scarlet fever rash
  25. Do I need parental consent?
  26. Can I still smoke and drink once in awhile?
  27. Having major pains in my back, what could it be?
  28. What happens if im not hungry?
  29. Weird pains
  30. Get pregnant without actually having intercourse
  31. Why does it itch after I trimmed down there?
  32. What is the average weight for a 5ft 2in girl?
  33. Ab workouts?
  34. Stopping the need to throw up?
  35. My family basically hates me, how do I deal with my depression?
  36. Am I allergic to tomatoes?
  37. 16 turning 17 and pregnant, what to do?
  38. Period is late and I have been getting cramps every day, why?
  39. Symptoms of genital herpes?
  40. I keep getting emotional.
  41. Clean urine?
  42. Whats the difference between anorexia and bulimia?
  43. Haven't been hungry all day?
  44. I have had my period for 14 days now
  45. I have 2-3 weeks to come up clean
  46. Showing when pregnant
  47. what should my friend do when she thinks she's pregnant?
  48. Underweight baby?
  49. What exactly is a keloid?
  50. Period blood brown?
  51. Can I use diet pills at 14?
  52. Do I have to tell my fiance' about doctor visits?
  53. Concerned issues on darvocet
  54. Why are models forced to lose weight to get a job?
  55. I am worried about my 15 year old cousin's weight
  56. Getting High Off Pixie Stix?
  57. Does it hurt to get a tooth pulled?
  58. How can I stay positive?
  59. Why is my hair falling out?
  60. Helping to induce labor
  61. What causes a eye infection
  62. Pros And Cons To Smoking
  63. How do I know if I started my period?
  64. Is there laser treatment for scars?
  65. What is skin grafting?
  66. Summer cold?
  67. Marijauna vs. Alcohol
  68. Wisdom Tooth?
  69. Might have to change hospitals but whats the difference?
  70. I have bad allergies, the medicine I am taking is not helping
  71. Normal age for period to start?
  72. I am not eating at all
  73. I think I may have an eye infection
  74. Was sick and not eating
  75. Being pressured to smoke pot
  76. How do I make myself go to bed?
  77. Hair removal test
  78. Can I swim with a pad?
  79. Going down the wrong path
  80. What kind of earring?
  81. Severe bloody nose
  82. Lump on the arms
  83. How can I help her?
  84. Daily headaches
  85. Pregnant and 19
  86. How can I break my nail-biting habit?
  87. Neck Bump
  88. How do you stop period pain?
  89. Depression trouble
  90. 17 and Obese?
  91. How to mature fast enough for high school?
  92. Does Vicodin give you a bladder infection?
  93. Cold sores-my worst nightmare
  94. Has anyone had this after a sprain?
  95. Can you get rabies without getting bitten?
  96. My right big toe
  97. Does anyone have a difficult time getting emotions out?
  98. The heat is getting to me.
  99. Foot is hurt and swollen what could be the reason?
  100. How early can you have pregnancy symptoms?