16 turning 17 and pregnant, what to do?

hey I am having a baby and I am 16. I don’t want 2 give it up or put it 4 adoption, and I don’t want 2 kill it what should I do. I can’t take care of it either because I won’t get a good education. I want 2 be able 2 go 2 school and have fun with my friends but I can’t because I will have a human living baby at home please help?

Answer #1

Here’s a great place to speak to someone about options: 1-800-BABY-DUE Adoption - no expense to the Birthmother: http://www.parentprofiles.org/ I wish you and your baby every happiness !!

Answer #2

I really like the fact that you don’t want an abortion. And if you do think about it then think about the fact that not only will you be killing a human life but abortion can often lead to depression and has horrible side-effects like severe abdominal pains and vommitting for several days in many cases! Adoption is an option (I know you have ruled it out but you should still think about it) that you need to think about carefully. If you place the baby for adoption then at least it will have a financially stable family and you can carry on with your education. However obviously there will always be that guilty feeling, especially if the child decides to try find you, and the child could expericence feelings of being unwanted etc. Think through what you would do if you did keep the baby. How would you support it financially? Look round for jobs and how much they would pay. Remember that babies are pretty expensive things! Is there a way that you can get an education but still support the baby? Look for care options, nursery, childminders and relatives are all worth thinking about and you need to research whether you could pay for childcare and if it would have benifits in the short-term and more importantly, long-term. Could you get help from your parents/relavtives in terms of money and care? I think you really need to talk to your friends and family and talk through these questions and really do some research. Both your friends and family will respect you for taking on the responsiblity of a baby. But you need to accept that although it is important to occasionally go out an have fun, that you cannot rely on relatives to be the babysitter and you will have to make comprimises. I hope this helped and good luck! x

Answer #3

then you dont want an abortion, bacause that would be killing it so you have a few other options seeing as though it sounds like you dont want to raise it yourself ask you parents if they can help you could still get an education and help take care of your kid or you could give it to a family/ close freind who you know wants a chicld and possibly cant have one themselves or you could give it up for adoption, or even give it up for adoption to someone you know or you could take a year or two off school to raise it, then go back and get your education …really you have a lot of options but the main twoare weather you want to keep your child or not do what you beleive is best for you but also it wouldnt hurt to learn more about pregnancy, how to prevent it, and how to take care of your child while your pregnant

Answer #4

im sorry but if I were you id kill it. unless you have parents/grandparent/aunts uncle to take care of him/her. you can put it 4adopt ion and still visit him, like juno! good luckk

Answer #5

my mother was actually bout to do all of the above. you will no when the time comes what to do. iwas supposed to be adopted but my dad did not want to so. if anything it depends on how far along are you. I would have an abortion if its all that. does your parents no

Answer #6

The only other option is to get help from your family/friends so that you can keep it and also get a good education/enjoy life.

If you don’t decide soon, you’ll be stuck with this option.

Answer #7

You do whatever is best for you, while still being able to look at yourself in the mirror every day.

Answer #8

Find someone who can’t have kids, and give it to them. Trust me, it’ll be worth it in the end!

Answer #9

Dont have an abortion, you will regret it in the end…You should be least worried about having fun with your friends, take responsibility…Your baby will be worth it…Does your parents know?

Answer #10

Your primary concern should be for the child. It’s not the baby’s fault that you got pregnant, right?

The best place for a baby, if you can’t take care of it…and you can’t at 16, is in a two parent home where it will be loved and cared for. You can find lots of information by googling “adoption”…and you won’t hate yourself afterwards.

Everyone makes mistakes. God knows I did when I was younger. Don’t make it worse by having an abortion. :(

Answer #11

do whatever feels right

Answer #12

Dont get in abortion definatly! The best thing to do is probably keep it, and get a babysitter. Have your parents help out a little. If not, then give it up for adoption. That’s also a pretty good thing so that it can have someone take care of it. I hope this helps. If you need more help with anything Funmail me! Good Luck <3

Answer #13

Look, you are young. Whether you want to admit it or not, you still use sentences with numbers in it like 4 and 2. I am not trying to be mean, but I am trying to be blunt. You cannot candy coat the situation. There is no problem with the fact that you are young and therefor, unsure in your abilities to raise a kid, but there is truth in the statement.
You need to disregard what funadvice said about following your heart, and discern what is best for the baby. You have already thrown common sense out the window when getting pregnant, so now it is time to face the facts and deal with them responsibly. I am against abortions personally, and it seems you are against them too, but adoption seems like the next best thing. It may seem like an attractive idea to keep the baby and tough it out on your own to save your dignity and conscience, but again, this is not about you, but about the baby.
You are young. The best paying job to hope for is maybe 8.50 an hour at your age. That, minus the payment for childcare gives you 3.50 and hour if you are lucky. You could consider having your parents watch the baby, but do you want to be dependent on your parents for the next few years? That is up to you. You are young, but soon you wont be. How will you go to college, date, have a social life? You are still concerned with hanging out with your friends now, so what about three years from now when you have a bounding toddler throwing sippy cups at your date? You are young, and very stupid for getting yourself pregnant. But now it is time to crawl out of childhood’s protective bubble and face adulthood head on. It is not going to be easy, but who said it was ever going to be? Welcome to the real world! Hope you dont screw up again.

Answer #14

find someone that disires a child(perferably a friend) that could adopt it, you wont be killing a living being

Answer #15

listen to your heart, not your head.

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