Who dislikes/likes fat people?

Im trying to find out how many people are bothered by the over weight. Answer truthfully. If you like fat people answer also.

Answer #1

I do not hate anyone…theres nothing wrong with fat people…most are sooo nice…its just those super duper skinny popular preppy slutty girls that annoy me=/

Answer #2

fat people (such as myself) are the bomb, and im not fat because I eat too much, or dont excersise, im fat because of thyroid disease, so dont feel sorry for me. Peace

Answer #3

I dont dislike it or anything, I may sound wrong saying this but I mean it in the best of ways… I feel sorry/sad for overweight people… well not limiting to overweight people but To unfit people (usually Overweight)… I honestly feel bad and abit weirded out because I feel they are unhappy all the time but refuse to push themselves just a little bit to become healthy… The weight isnt an issue as long as they are healthy :) … yeah I think that doesnt sound too bad…

Answer #4

im overweight, its not all my fault, its something that runs in my family…I can loose it but then im back up…I’ve dieted and dopne exercising, it helps for a while, I keep doing it but then my weight stops and thats it, im not down to where I need to be…theres nothing else I can do…I dont eat much, im not the healthiest eater but I dont eat much or eat bad fatning stuff either, I think people has the wrong look on overweight people, they think we dont care, and we are gross people…yes some dont care but not all do, I have a heard time with my weight…I care and I try, but nothing really works to where I need to be…but I am happy at the same time, and ill even say I dont like people who think they are better than us or who dont like us or thinks badly of us…just think if you were in our shoes not ALL people can help it, and im one of them few people…as its been said we are people too and we do have feelings..so I the skinny people who “hates”, they need to get off their high horse, sorry to sound mean but I have had rough times, and its not like I can change it…its a family thing…theres nothing I can do…so no I dont dislike them…being fat has nothing to do with liking a person…its about attitude and pesonality

Answer #5

I think those that are a bit overweight or have a medical problem that makes them fat then I dont mind. However those people who are very very obese and dont even want to or try to do anything to get more healthy I just sigh at and shake my head. But When I get to know people I generally get on with them. So I guess as individials I get on with them but as a group I just sigh. Mostly because there are so many of them and often are in denial or make up excuses not to help themselves, that just annoys me. Lol thats the brutal honest truth

Answer #6

what a dumb question. I’m overweight, losing weight, and I’m fit. I can beat any skinny girl on the elliptical any day. I think it’s stupid when people hate on fat people. Sometimes it’s not their fault…but half the time it is. I don’t dislike fat people. I think it’s stupid that anyone does.

Answer #7

do you hate skinney people, I do because gosh, they need to eat more, they are just disgusting

Answer #8

thats a hard question to answer because majority of the people who thoink or say there fat actually arnt, and could be far from it but I dont mind them, there just like everyone else being fat doesnt make them any less human

Answer #9

I just hate the fat people who are depressed because they are fat but then they dont do anything about it.
I feel sorry for fat people too, because of our society. They are almost like outcasts. What guy wants to be with a fat girl if they have a choice. Lets be honest there are only a few guys who actually prefer fat chicks but as long as people

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