Health Questions

  1. can hermaphrodites get prgenant
  2. Why do i forget things easily?
  3. Despair
  4. Can starving yourself stop or slow your period?
  5. How old wer you when you started your period ?
  6. Urine pregnancy tests
  7. How to get rid of stress ?
  8. Flu diet
  9. Weird Bump
  10. fractured orbital?
  11. What happends when I go on the pill?
  12. Chlamydia?
  13. Can weed give a false pregnancy reading?
  14. Lung cancer?
  15. natural remeady for kidney stones
  16. can you die from appendicitis?
  17. How does fingering your-self feel?
  18. Why hiv can't be transmitted by mosquitos?
  19. im 13 and have not had my period~help!
  20. Wicked Sunburn
  21. Sti or STD question
  22. What are the diseases SARS, bird flu and L, how do you get them?
  23. how to avoid period stomach aches
  24. Can you be pregnant if you have a period?
  25. Chance of getting pregnant with condom
  26. Constapation and diahrea
  27. Symptoms of never ending yeast infection
  28. I discharge a lot
  29. how 2 become healthy
  30. where can I get free condoms??
  31. birthcontrol weight gain
  32. How can I help my girlfriend remember some things?
  33. girls/people with medical background please help me (:
  34. Pregnet
  35. Can you get pregnant if your..
  36. Embarrassing fungus question, toenails
  37. c.o.p.d. and low oxygen levels
  38. sore booob???=/
  39. when your really addicting to cutting how do you stop?
  40. Activated charcoal!!!
  41. what happing to my mind ??
  42. getting rid of some lice
  43. chicken pox and steralization?
  44. Inhale a cigg
  45. How do you get rid of pink eye?
  46. Why they change the name of the swine flu.
  47. Girl problem sorda nervus
  48. Ink Poisoning Question??
  49. The "cervical mucus method" (preventing pregnancy)
  50. Blue veins
  51. Can't finish pizza?
  52. Tonsilittus.
  53. Toilet trouble :s
  54. How many times did you use thr restroom today?
  55. Hangover how can I cure it and fast
  56. Why is it unhealthy to marry blood related?
  57. Stunting growth and growing taller
  58. Sleep aid
  59. Can you get HIV
  60. how long till signs
  61. little white pill help
  62. other ways to get high
  63. My tampon hurts when I take it out.
  64. Hip 'Collapsing'?
  65. I have a bad kidny Infection im tired all the time
  66. cavities what do they feel like?
  67. can I scare myself into having the signs of pregnancy?
  68. is it still possible im pregnant?
  69. Is trail mix healthy?
  70. Leg Cramps ?
  71. spacers for braces
  72. Eye floaters -what can I do about them ??
  73. How to help a friend who self-harms?
  74. I have an embarassing question.
  75. Brain smarter
  76. no periods, pcos, diabetic, overweight and want to conceive
  77. do you have to have a preiod to get pregnant?
  78. Headaches
  79. Stress depression anger and heart broken
  80. caffeine effects?
  81. Does this mean I lost the baby?
  82. how do I get rid of a headache caused from crying?
  83. advice after mom died
  84. How long does abraisions heal on the leg?
  85. acid flashbacks
  86. Should I get a second opinion on my braces?
  88. I have a q-tip stuck in my ear
  89. red itchy bubbles
  90. Whats your opinion on swine flu?
  91. How far into the pregnancy can you still get an abortion?
  92. Whats the freakiest thing you've done?
  93. Home remedies that really work?
  94. Purple spots on tongue
  95. is it cool to smoke yes or no
  96. Preganancy, and diet pills
  97. Geniusness, Intelligence and Autism
  98. little lumps in Vagina looks like goos pimples
  99. My Birth Control Symptoms.
  100. Is swine flu curable?