
How do you get rid of tonsilittus? please fast I need answers!

Answer #1

Advil is for cold and flu and helps with fever.

You’ll need to get an antibiotic and some specific pain medication for it.

Try something with ibuprofen and paracetamol for the pain and the fever(like myprodol or ibumol) and ask your doctor for an antibiotic

Ice also works (if you suck on an ice cube)

Then if you have it in your country - there is a product called tonsolyte, it also works very well for some people, but I am not sure if you’d be able to find it. It might be worth and try AND it is an all natural product.

As for the other options. You can have your tonsils removed, but be VERY careful. If you are allready an adult, you’ll probably take months to recover. It makes you VERY sick.

Answer #2

You need antibiotics…and you dont’ want to mess around trying to “home cure” it. If you get tonsilitus often, then you should look into having them removed.


Answer #3

I have it right now and my doctor prescribed Amoxicillan. I’ve been taking it for 3 days and it’s almost better. I had it bad too. Ask your doctor to prescribe you that. Hope you get better soon!

Answer #4

remove your tonsils by doctor =] eat icecream it soothes it

Answer #5

I went to the doctor,and they told me to take 3 advil, but its not helping.

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