General Knowledge Questions

  1. How do you learn to trust people, if you have been lied and betrayed so many times?
  2. what is a trophy wife or trophy husband?
  3. Why do people trophy hunt when others need the meat?
  4. Where can I go to sell antiques in Newark, NJ?
  5. What do different types of smiley faces mean in text?
  6. Whats a good advertising campaign: Theme/slogan for sneakers besides the ones thats already out?
  7. why do i keep having these dreams?
  8. Who do you think is really in control, your body or you?
  9. Who knows if it is true that bees are attracked to the color black?
  10. Is an 18 year old allowed in a specs store if he only wants a cigar?
  11. What is one thing in your life you would like to do over if you could?
  12. What's something funny you have heard today?
  13. what is your favorite thing about yourself?
  14. What are some of the weirdest superstitions you have heard of?
  15. Who invented the concept of lying?
  16. Where is your ticklish spot?
  17. When did you realize you wanted to spend the rest of your life with your significant other? This question is more directed to people over 18.
  18. How do I quit being jumpy at night?
  19. What to do with my traffic ticket?
  20. Does anyone know how different races were created?
  21. What is a good boys names to go with Hugh?
  22. What do you think is buried in the Oak Island Money Pit in Nova Scotia?
  23. Can I walk into a store and go take pictures of medicine bottles?
  24. do zwipes marker take highlighter off lockers?
  25. Is there a list of words we can't say on here?
  26. What, should I tell my boyfriend a girl is saying he's cheating?
  27. What are your night time rituals?
  28. Does anyone know how to make a bola for cheap, but good?
  29. What do you like better summer or winter?
  30. who..Have u ever had a dream and next thing,you know,your living it again but in real life like deja vu?
  31. What in this world can't kill you?
  32. What do you think is the weridest or (sorry) funniest way to die???
  33. What the hell is a gouche?
  34. Who thinks he can sing? I think we're gonna see him in the near future.. (He was also on Ellen) :) such a cute little kid :P
  35. What do you do when you want to leave someone but in your heart you know you cannot live without that person?
  36. Does Wal Mart have postcards?
  37. Is " failing the failure test for fails " a good thing or a bad thing?
  38. What is the connection between stewardship and sustainability?
  39. where can i find pictures of basic celtic knots and their meanings?
  40. is it okay to cry after letting people infulence your decision?
  41. What word are banned like spell them wth a star because i dont know what words are banned or we can say? Or tell me what kinda of things we can't say.
  42. Who wears make up primer?
  43. How do I get him off my mind?
  44. How many pills of Adderall do I take to feel the high?
  45. Why do guys even if i'm not dating them always ask me for naked pics and they don't ask any other girl even there girlfriends?
  46. what do people do once they are online?
  47. Why can't I eat?
  48. What's the best way for a teenager to spend summer on low budget, and some fun crazy things ?
  50. What do I do if my boyfriend is cheating?
  51. Which organism replaces the energy lost in the enrgy pyramid?
  52. Which one do you prefer vampires or zombies?
  53. Which would you rather be Vampire or Wizard?
  54. Are guys self concious when their voices squeak and stuff???
  55. What the heck is wrong with me?
  56. Does any1 have any irrational fears?
  57. what is the most akward thing that has happened to you?
  58. what last name sounds good with Kennedy? Suarez, livingston, peaslee or todd?
  59. Why do I get a boner in the lockerroom when I see other guys naked?
  60. Can people donate blood if you were in Western Europe but NOT infected by the mad cow disease at the time?
  61. Why does he always like to show up without calling first?
  62. Who thinks Joran van der Sloot also murdered Natalee Halloway?
  63. What does "hicked" mean?
  64. How to deliver vote of thanks in annual sportsmeet?
  65. What does PMSL mean, and what does "tongue in cheek fun" mean? Or something like that -_-
  66. Why do I have this nagging urge to fight?
  67. Why am I always vengeful?
  68. Who has heard of givesmehope?
  69. Is it just me, or is it roasting in here?
  70. What is the penalty for stealing another persons clothes?
  71. Who believes salvadoreans and mexicans are the same thing?
  72. what? Can I get a puppy for 50$ or less at petsmart?
  73. What rights should bf/gfs have in a relationship?
  74. Who has heard of postsecret and do you think this helps people feel less alone?
  75. what camera was used to take the photos from annie leibovitz's disney dream portraits?
  76. What do you live for? You personally and truthfully.
  77. Would you rather live on the beach, desert, country or city and why?
  78. What is the best thing you have ever brought from a second-hand shop or yard sale?
  79. What are some good relationship books?
  80. What is Communism ? and what countries are under communism?
  81. how would the human society and our lives be if money didn't exist?
  82. Why do I feel scared?
  83. what is H3C2O1?
  84. Why are so many people so predictable? The same patterns over and over. I cannot stand it.
  85. how do i get over my shyness ?
  86. Why Do People Have Different Goals And Beliefs, If We All Have The Same Basic Needs?
  87. What Is The Word For When You ShapeShift Objects?
  88. Does anyone like The secret life of the american teenager?? I know I do lolz XD
  89. How do I ride a four-track?
  90. How many of you on here are introverts?
  91. how could yuh get unhigh?.
  92. Does anyone here know of any places were friends can take their cars to go hang out?
  93. How can I avoid embarassment and harassment when there's a 99% chance some thing terrible will happen?
  94. What nicknames do you go by and why do they call you that?
  95. What is a (BUSSA)??
  96. What is a good way to spend the day when your on your own and homealone? Any suggestions? x
  97. do you think my name is wierd?? i always get made fun of for it.its :jessica cat. so is it wierd??
  98. what has been the your most devestating event in you life?
  99. Whats the most embarassing thing thats ever happend too you??(:
  100. why is it that when people?