How do I quit being jumpy at night?

I will tell you about my house first.O.k my house… whenever the house(no one is moving around BTW) snaps(like a branch broke in two but not really)it wakes me up when I am asleep or makes me jump out of my skin!It scares the S.ugar H.oney I.ce T.ea out of me!And at night when I am trying to go to sleep,I toss and turn.Well when I do move ,It creaks(wood frame)and scares me and I am afraid to fall back asleep and keep looking aroound my room-afraid someone is in here like some creep sneeked in here and is hiding(I live in a pretty safe neighborhood) and I’m afraid to look around.I freeze when I’m scared.HELP ME PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!Thank you!

Answer #1

what works for me when im all a lone in a scary house is hiding under the covers, or getting a nightlight ( a bright one) that whats i have

Answer #2

If you are religious you can pray, if not just keep telling yourself its okay. Listen to a MP3 player or something to drown out the noise. Maybe you can invite a friend over to stay the night with you every once in a while. It is a lot better when you have someone with you trust.

Answer #3

Thx you guys!=D

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