What is a good boys names to go with Hugh?

Jugh will be the middle name. I need a first name that will go good with it. My husband decided he didnt like the name Ethan. Can anyone help me figure this out. All help will be great. Thanks.

Answer #1



Some names I think will go well….

Michael Joshua Ryan Brandon Robert

Answer #2

Hey yeah, I vote for Ryan!

Answer #3

Conor James Joseph Tyler Daniel Nathan

Answer #4

At first I actually thought Grant and Jack(man). You know the actors lol. There is an inside joke between me and my hubby and one of his friends about Hugh Jackman… One night I was trying to say his name and I accidentally called him Jack Human… it has stuck so now whenever we watch a movie with him in it the guys go hey look Rachael, its Jack Human!

Answer #5

How about Hefner? hehe, just kidding. I’ve always liked Daniel… David sounds okay, too. :)

Answer #6

hugh jas lmfao

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