what is your favorite thing about yourself?

i see so many people hateing them selfs and its driveing me crazy lol not really but it does get on my nevers so there has to be something u all love about your selfs…

Answer #1

My big heart and how easily i can let people in, and physically my ghetto booty and blue eyes lol.

Answer #2

My humor, my ability to keep calm, how my eyes change color, the natural three types of blonde that are in my hair, my smile, and my eye brows. :)

Answer #3

My artistic ability. I like it, it’s a great way to vent and I doodle on nearly everything.

Answer #4

My personality and that I don’t usually like that much.

Answer #5

My hair. There’s really not that much to like about me. I don’t have a nice personality or any talent or anything lol.

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