FunAdvice Community Questions

  1. Why can't I update my settings on FunAdvice?
  2. Does that "We appreciate your reply" page ever stop showing up?
  3. How can I find fau?
  4. How do I un-link my Twitter account from FunAdvice?
  5. Why does FunAdvice *still* have "HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY" written under the logo?
  6. Does Obama have an account on FunAdvice?
  7. Is is true that Mandy Moore actually posted advice here once?
  8. How come a lot of the old questions, like 2 - 3 years back, are seen on the site but the older content that more current users had aren't there any more?
  9. How do I change my password on FunAdvice?
  10. Does the FunAdvice logo say "Happy Mother's Day"?
  11. Is this community more of Christians?
  12. Is there a way to stop FunAdvice from crashing when I go on it on my phone?
  13. How can you put back a video you accidently deleted off a question?
  14. Why won't video uploads work?
  15. When someone answers one of your questions, do you prefer a factual answer or one based on personal experience?
  16. Why can I not reply to comments on my pictures?
  17. What is your favorite thing about this site, besides its obvious functions?
  18. What privileges can you unlock with points?
  19. Why does it not show all the questions and status updates I've made on my profile anymore?
  20. Who are FunAdvice's competiters?
  21. How can you find out if someone's posting fake photos?
  22. What celebrities have you seen on FunAdvice?
  23. Is the omegle-esque chat feature completely gone?
  24. Is there something in motion on the site to make it where we can see who liked our comments on the status update page?
  25. Is the chatting function which was there on the home page of this site disabled?
  26. Why am I not getting alerts anymore when someone follows me?
  27. Why can't I edit wrong information on my profile?
  28. Why did my computer say 502 gateway suspended when I tried to log in to FunAdvice?
  29. Why is there someone on the points leaderboard with 26 points when I have 50 and im not on it?
  30. Who has the most points on FA?
  31. Is there any major effect to FunAdvice after changing the point system?
  32. Do you think a lot of members will leave the site now that there are no cash for points?
  33. When you change the question's category, do the points given to the already 'liked' answers change?
  34. Where do I find a list that shows how many points are associated with different topics and actions? (Questions, Answers, How Tos, etc) Just curious.
  35. What in the world makes people ask questions that they already know the answer to?
  36. What do you think about the idea of stuffing Knut?
  37. How do you finish your How To?
  38. Why can't I see all the new how-tos?
  39. What does "defrauding" mean and what is the current situation about getting paid for points?
  40. How do I change my FunAdvice address?
  41. Is there a limit to how many times you can like a certain person's answers?
  42. Who here thinks FunAdvice should make the green popup bar that appears on answering/etc thinner so we can still see our alerts, ect?
  43. How do you make a 'How To' on an iPod touch?
  44. How come when I upload a picture on my profile it looks cropped and doesn't show the person's face unless you click it?
  45. Do I have to say which city I am in, in order to keep my location?
  46. Do you check your points page to see who has "liked" your answers?
  47. Why does the site keep saying I have a FunMail but every time I click it my box is empty?
  48. How do I find someone on FunAdvice when I only know their username?
  49. How can I find someone who just joined without having their email?
  50. Does the site have any plans to make it so when someone asks someone something in a status update it doesn't go to the question board?
  51. How to make a suggestion on this site?
  52. Can I submit a link on the link tab to something I am selling online?
  53. Why the restrictions on posting links on FunAdvice?
  54. Could you say 'She sniggered'?
  55. Is it possible to make FunAdvice in Indonesian Language version?
  56. How many users are on this website?
  57. How do you *like* your answers?
  58. Do you ever avoid answering a question due to the conflict it may cause?
  59. Why are there so many "Ask for my Pic" photos showing on the Photo Page?
  60. Do we earn points if our links are liked?
  61. Why does an alert come up if someone comments on a question, but there is no alert for when you comment on someone's profile and they comment back?
  62. How does the new "links" section work?
  63. What happens when you link your facebook to FunAdvice?
  64. Who here loves the addition of the ads in the corner of the page?
  65. Did FunAdvice just change their layout?
  66. Do the funds we earn on Funadvice have to be claimed on our taxes or how does that work?
  67. How long does a FunAdvice payment pend?
  68. Why does funadvice keep telling me people who are newly following me no longer exist here?
  69. If I post a how-to on E-how, can I post it on FunAdvice also?
  70. How do you log into this site in Firefox?
  71. How would you ask a question on here without anyone knowing that you are the one asking?
  72. Can you add FunAdvice points to a credit card ?
  73. What are Tips and how do I write one?
  74. How can some people send me FunMail when they have less than 50 points but I still can't access it?
  75. Why do How To's have to be so no spelling mistakes, no grammar mistakes etc?
  76. Is there a way I can upload multiple pictures on here at once?
  77. How come "me" on the chat box says things like "hello" and "bye" without me ever typing anything?
  78. When you view your own questions, does it add another view to it?
  79. What would you say if our default sort on all pages was age based instead of most recent?
  80. What website URL do I enter on the Google AdSense application so I can use it with FunAdvice?
  81. Why can't I change my locale on my profile, I keep trying but it won't let me?
  82. How do I post a link or picture in a question?
  83. What can I do to upload a picture from my iPhone 3 onto FunAdvice?
  84. How to get rid of this 'ask for my picture' thing under all my status updates and questions?
  85. Why can't I ask questions from my dsi, Wii, or phone?
  86. How do I properly link Google Adsense to Funadvice?
  87. How do I upload videos from my friend's iPod Nano onto FunAdvice?
  88. Is anyone else here losing information like status updates from their FunAdvice profile page?
  89. Do you think this site needs holiday themes?
  90. Do you find it odd that people never post random questions?
  91. How long does it usually take for them to approve a HowTo?
  92. How do I add interests onto my page?
  93. Why do people need/want points on this FunAdvice site?
  94. Why do some people not "like" answers when people respond to their questions?
  95. What is the difference between sign out and log out?
  96. What was your 12th grade graduation theme song?
  97. Why doesn't FunAdvice allow links to be added on a question?
  98. Is their a new chat feature on here now, and if so how do you use it?
  99. what is the male/female ratio on here?
  100. Why don't people google their questions, then when they can't find the information they need, refer to this site?
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