Parents & Family Questions

  1. I need help on telling my parents that im depressed
  2. What would you to do runaway?
  3. How to get to live with my Dad?
  4. Is she worth finding and how to convince my dad to let me find her?
  5. How to get my brother to stop making fun of me?
  6. Parents won't let me have a Myspace
  7. How to convince my parents to let me go out?
  8. Boyfriend's Dad always on his case
  9. Parents and the casino
  10. How do I make my mom understand?
  11. Mom wont believe that I'm not bulimic
  12. Can I move out at 14 if I have a job?
  13. When am I old enough to not visit my dad?
  14. Help with a stepdad
  15. Why are moms mean ?
  16. Long lost dad
  17. How do I cope with overprotective parents?
  18. How do I survive a thirteen hour car ride with the family?
  19. Make my girlfriends parents like me or accept me?
  20. Advice for a pregnant 14-year-old
  21. Move out or run away?
  22. How to get my Mom to approve of my boyfriend?
  23. Is it OK to have a boyfriend and not tell your parents?
  24. What to do about my daughter who isn't like a lady?
  25. Moving out at 17?
  26. Should I be a single mom?
  27. How to get custody of my younger sister?
  28. Anybody who had a baby?
  29. Should I call my mom back?
  30. Do you get in trouble for nothing?
  31. How do I get my momma and poppa to stop smoking?
  32. Could my mom get in trouble?
  33. Do you think I should visit my estranged mother?
  34. Why does my mom always say no?
  35. My mom won't let me date!
  36. I told my parents that I'm bi
  37. How to tell my Dad I don't want to visit again?
  38. How to tell my Mom that I'm pregnant with my third baby?
  39. Lesbian but want kids
  40. Friend mentally bullied by family, can she move out at 16?
  41. Talking to parents after being walked in on
  42. How to get the thought of family and pets dying?
  43. What if my Mom kicked me out?
  44. Mom and Dad fight too much
  45. Parents too overprotective
  46. When your parents yell at you?
  47. How to get my Mum to share the TV?
  48. Should I be punished for instant messaging?
  49. Im moving
  50. Should she tell her Mom what her Dad did?
  51. What happens if the cops find a runaway?
  52. How do I move out at 17?
  53. Can I get arrested for running away?
  54. Sister drama
  55. Friend or family
  56. Parent help
  57. My dad is always standing me up
  58. How to make my Mom buy me a Sidekick?
  59. Talent show or downtown?
  60. How do I handle my parents' split?
  61. What if your cousin dies in a car wreck?
  62. What if I want a brother or sister?
  63. Feral children
  64. Is childcare an easy course to do?
  65. Mom's New Crazy Boyfriend
  66. Can my friend report it if his Mom is abused?
  67. How to date if my brother beats them up?
  68. I want a cellphone, but my mom wont let me
  69. Birth control without my parents knowing?
  70. Does my mom hate my boyfriend or not?
  71. How to deal with parents who are different from me?
  72. Overprotective Mother
  73. Will I get in trouble if I move out at 17?
  74. I may hate my brother
  75. Where is your family from?
  76. What should I do when my sister is mean to me?
  77. How can I convince my mam for a nose ring?
  78. Having a lot of problems and arguments with my Mother
  79. Selfish sister?
  80. Is it wrong to hate your own sister?
  81. How to persuade my parents to get me a rabbit?
  82. How to find my half brother?
  83. I hate my parents
  84. Why is my mom nuts?
  85. Who do you think you look like more?
  86. Helping a person cope through death?
  87. Best friend issues
  88. How to tell my Mom I have a boyfriend?
  89. How to deal with a spoiled brat always coming over?
  90. How to convince my Mom for a camera for my birthday?
  91. Mean Moms
  92. How to get my mind off of my Mom's sickness?
  93. I cant stand my mom.
  94. My parents are trying to send me to military school
  95. Mothers and freedom
  96. Why don't fathers do anything?
  97. Our Moms won't leave us alone
  98. Im so frustrated
  99. Should I be sad
  100. Right or Wrong?