Help with a stepdad

My moms been dating him for 10 years and they got married like 5 months ago and I need help on how to get closer to him and I dont know how to get though to him and I want him to understand me.. He needs help on being a step dad but im only 12 years old and I dont know what to do because I really just want him too be like a father to me but I dont think he cares.. What should I do?

Answer #1

I am SO impressed with your mature attitude and approach to this. The fact that you want him to be your dad must surely make the whole transition for you and your mom so much easier. Has he been a father before? Does he have his own kids? Can you have a chat to your mom about how you think he doesn’t really care?

Answer #2

That is so sad. You do need to tell him what you are thinking. Talk to your mum and see if she could be with you when you talk about this. Good luck mel x

Answer #3

I would start with talking to your mom about it, she probably knows where to start and she could even talk to him for you. If she’s been with him for 10 years she will probably have at least an idea

Answer #4

wow you sound pretty mature 4 a 12 year old!!!, it is hard for another man 2 take on children who arnt his, my mum and dad split when I was 7 and my mum has been going out wid wy step dad for 11 years or so (I wish they wud HURRY UP!! and get married!!!) and he has put up wid sum crap from me an my 2 brothers!! but as weve grown older we respect hima hel of a lot more!! me and my step dad arnt that close but hes there when ever I need him!!! hes an amazing step dad an he does everything for me!! so yer talk to your mum an let her know that you want 2 b closer 2 him good luck huny xxx

Answer #5

sit down with him and tell him everything you just typed, open and honestly. let him take it from there. it will be hard for you to do, but he will appreciate it. I’m sure he’s not sure what to do either. try to see things from his perspective and it will make it easier to talk to him. find an activity you both enjoy and do it often. it will make getting to know each other easier.

Answer #6

I agree with everyones anwer you need 2 tlk 2 him and try 2 find something you both have in common sry I couldn’t be more of a help

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