Parents & Family Questions

  1. When do you think is an appropriate age for kids to play certain games or play with certain toys, if at all?
  2. what should i do if i found out i have a dead little brother and my mom never told me?
  3. who can help me?i seriously need some advice .
  4. Why wont my mom let me near boys?
  5. Can a young teen who has a child give custody of the baby to an older sis if she's over the age of twenty?
  6. how do i get my mother to leave me alone and give me space?
  7. How can i persuade my mom into letting me wearing make up?
  8. Can i put myself up for adoption at age 14???
  9. What is one of the worse but funny things you have done to a brother or sister?
  10. How do i earn my parents forgiveness?
  11. what is the youngest i can move out with out my parents forceing me to move back in?.
  12. how come my dad is willing to give money to his sisters, but he doesnt pay child support?
  13. What are some activites to keep my 4 and 3 yr old cousins? (both boys and they're wild as a rabid dog.)
  14. how can i get ungrounded quickly ??
  15. What do I do about my boyfriends mum who hates me?
  16. How do i move out or just get away from my dad at age 14?!?!
  17. Can u still get STD if your 16 or 17???
  18. What's your opinion on coping with death?
  19. what shouold i do about my dad?
  20. How do you get over missing your parents when you move out to go to college?
  21. What can i do too get my mind off of loosing me niece?
  22. What should i do my dad turns every sentence nasty?
  23. How do you show your unconditional love?
  24. What can you do when an elderly person goes insane?
  25. How come every time i want to see him someone has to come home?
  26. What is your opinion on Little Miss pageants for children under 1 years old through ages 5?
  27. Why are mom's always the over-protective parent?
  28. How old do you have to be, before you move out of your parents home in Missouri?
  29. is it normall to not be in the mood at 4 months pregnant?
  30. What do you think of the name Colt Hugh Wright? I dont like Colten. My dad came up with the name Colt.
  31. What should i do when my dads mad he swears then purposly sleeps?
  32. what do u appriciate most about your mom or dad??
  33. How can I look at the children who was up for adoption in Southcarolina in 2003?
  34. How can i convince my parents to let me die my hair black?
  35. Does my mom have rights to my baby if im 16 and will be having the baby when i am 17?
  36. Would it bother you if your kid turned down your offer for a graduation gift (a car) because they wanted to buy it themselves when they earned enough money?
  37. how do i talk my mom into letting me go to my bestfriends house even though my bestfriend lied to my mom and now my mom dosent like her?
  38. how can i convince my mum to let me have my girlfriend round for a sleepover?
  39. How normal is it for a sister to let her brother see her naked?
  40. what can i do to get my parents to let me go out and have fun?
  41. why does not giving birth to a child make you less of a parent?
  42. What do you think about people who obviously favor one child over the other?
  43. What are some FUNNY fathers day poems i could recite or email to my dad on Fathers day???
  44. What are some good ideas with kids to do on the fourth of July besides fireworks?
  45. how to convince my parents to let me sign with the modeling agency?
  46. What are your guys plans for fathers day? I have to think of something still xD
  47. what. help my friends mum has stolen money from her?
  48. what do i do My dad left for 5 years and i talked to him on the phone allot?
  49. should the mother of a child have more rights than the father simply because she gave birth?
  50. How do you wear makeup without your parents knowing?
  51. how to ask my mum if i can go on the pill?
  52. How can i convince my parents to let me upload photos?
  53. Who think i should hide my stuff?
  54. Who has been your biggest inspiration in life and how you live?
  55. Does anyone know about the history of the Poarch Creek Indians in Alabama?
  56. How can I get a belly piercing with strict parents?
  57. is it okay if my boyfriend yells at me?( text wise)
  58. What do i say to my mom?
  59. does eminem have a daughter?
  60. What can I give my mother and my boyfriends mother as a special gift before our baby is born?
  61. How do i cheer my sister up?
  62. what is eminems mums name??
  63. How do i deal with my younger brothers?
  64. How can i make my dad accept the fact that i'm growing up?
  65. What should i do about my parents and my college?
  66. How do I tell my dad that i need 2 start shaving because i am kinda emmbarresd??
  67. How do i deal with this crap?
  68. What should I do if my 14 yr old brother is physically pushing me and threatening to hurt and sometimes kill me when Im 18 yrs old?
  69. What do I call my dad's cousin?
  70. who thinks im horrible about lying to my parents?
  71. how can i find him?
  72. Would you rather be in a large family or small (being you as the only child)?
  73. how can i legally move out at 17 in massachusettes?
  74. how do i make my mom understand theat i rele need my dad right now?
  75. how can i get my mom to stop stealing?
  76. What to do with my brother? I usually get super pissed at him and scratch him or pressure point him, how can I control myself?
  77. How do I deal with my mom, dad, and little sister that don't like my girlfriend?
  78. How do i keep from being angry at my parents on this one decision they made for me and was the wrong one?
  79. why is my grandma so nosey?????
  80. how can i get in touch with my uncle from my father side?
  81. how do i tell my parents i am moving to bc?
  82. how can i help my friend who just lost her grandpa?
  83. How do I get my cousin to stop touching me?
  84. What to do if ur dad wont let u ride ur bike on the frigin road?
  85. How can I get through to my boyfriends parents?
  86. I want a puppy, how can I convince my parents I'm responsible enough to get one?
  87. would i be able to get custody of my daughter?
  88. How do I convince my mom to let me get angel bites?
  89. How can i convince my mom to let me get fake nails? and about how much do they cost???
  90. What: Should i blame myself for this??
  91. How is it bad to hate my sister?
  92. how old do you have to be to move out of your parents house in florida because me and my friend are having some family issues and are getting jobs and cars and
  93. What should I do if I get really homesick and I have a schooltrip?
  94. How do I stop letting my dad take advantage of me?
  95. I wnat a crop top but i am embarrased aboutasking my mum wat do i do???! x
  96. Can the cops make a 16 year old return to home if they run away? as long as their being took care of?
  97. should i leave when my moms giving me permission or would that hurt her more?
  98. when should i tell my mom im bi cause she hates bi /les/and gay?
  99. Why for a girl its easier meeting the father than the mother and for a boy its vice versa when your in a relationship?
  100. is it normal for a teenager to miss their parents even though they were abusive?
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