What's your opinion on coping with death?

Is it even healthy to try and stay strong? To hold your emotions in for others? Should i stop trying to be the tough one in the family?

Answer #1

Its perfectly normal to try and be strong, but its NOT wrong to break down. think about it, someone close to you just left this world, you will never see them again and your surrounded by their memories, its hard, its really hard, but its NOT the end of the world, we have to get back up and learn to deal with the pain and suffering. as time goes by it WILL get easier and you will get adjusted to being without them, but there will always be a scar. scream ,cry ,yell, write ,sing paint, find something that takes your mind away from it and lets you enter a whole new world. Dont ever doubt yourself, you CAN and WILL get though this :)♥

Answer #2

in my personal opinion, though ive never expieienced a human death in my family yet (only animals)…you need to cry, you need to get your emotions out and have a cry about whats happened, because you wont be able to hold t in forever. staying strong is more about not letting the death control your life and bring you down to the point were you feel depressed all the time or worse. its perfectly fine to let your emotions out at this emotional time, im sure everyone who loved the person will want to have a cry over whats happened, and it will be on their minds for a while too, depending on how close they were to that person. loosing soemone you love is never easy, but you need to express how you feel, even if its just in your room by yourself, though to other people who feel the same would be best. because holding your emotions inside can be dangerouse. one movie i love and will no doubt use for guidance when i do loose somemone (like my mum) is the land before time, theres a great scene in ther about loss and a very comforting quote “youll always miss her, but she’ll always be with you, as long as you remember the things she taught you…in a way youll never be apart, for you are still a part of each other”

Answer #3

Well…coping with my own death shouldn’t be a problem :)

When you lose a loved one….it’s amazing how your inner self takes over. When my dad was sick and then passed away, it was very natural for me to nuture, care for, protect my mom….she was taking the biggest loss. All of us kids stuck together, and bucked each other up…got closer than we’d been in years….but it was such a natural thing to “be strong” for our mom. When my mom passed away we girls clung to one another, and the “being strong” seemed to pass from one to the other on any given day.

I’m just saying….go with how you feel, one day will be different than the next…and every single person has to go thru their own variation of grief…Understanding that death, like birth…..is as natural as a sunrise or a sunset….and how we cope is personal and individual.


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