Questions & Answers

  1. What is the grossest thing you have ever eaten?
  2. What age is ring size 10 for?
  3. How can we build trust to sell art online?
  4. How long do you think it would take to cover the Eiffel Tower with duct tape?
  5. Is pyrolysis a decomposition reaction or a combustion reaction?
  6. What are the chances we'll get back together?
  7. What is the definition of maximum velocity?
  8. Who here likes singer/actress Rita Ora?
  9. Do we have a word which has stress on second and third syllable?
  10. Is being shy a bad thing?
  11. Do you put on make up even when at home or only when you go out?
  12. How often is it considered normal to urinate in one day for a female adult?
  13. Would putting ProNamel® on baking soda make the baking soda less abrasive?
  14. Who is T Stand Dave and how did he get in my Interests section?
  15. How can I get rid of this painful, ugly nose blemish?
  16. Where do I get the driver software for my Kin One?
  17. What are some "emo" stores?
  18. Could I have a cavity from biting down on something hard? (read more)
  19. How do you stop yourself from being a bad person?
  20. How old were you when you had your first kiss?
  21. What are some things I should bring while babysitting?
  22. What cheeseburger do you like more: McDonald's or Burger King?
  23. Is it possible to have an mp3 file playing during a slide show presentation?
  24. Is it possible to be an atheist, but believe a higher power(God) was once involved?
  25. Which is more politically correct: man servant or butler?
  26. How to hide my gruesome forehead?
  27. What can happen to a student who is caught cheating (red handed) in your country?
  28. Would you ever get botox?
  29. What are some good classes to take to learn more about special needs children?
  30. Are there any native americans on this site?
  31. What are some good homemade last minute Mother's Day presents?
  32. Would I look good with snakebites or an eyebrow piercing?
  33. Is it bad if me and a senior date?
  34. How do you decide if something is really worth your time?
  35. Why is YouTube asking me for flash player to watch videos?
  36. What are peoples opinion on gay marrige and abortion?
  37. When do the pre-season games start for the NFL?
  38. What would you do if you found out that your parents had gone through your emails?
  39. How do I look for other bands, either with an open position or forming?
  40. How do I make a shortcut to FunAdvice on my iPod?
  41. Is my sexual health clinic completely private?
  42. What could possibly be wrong with me if im having whitish discharge with a unpleasant Oder??
  43. How do you clean your ears with gauges in them?
  44. Who is this 1980s cartoon character please?
  45. FunAdvice Trivia: Which 'Monkees' Mother' owned the patent for 'White-Out'?
  46. Does chewing on plastic caps harm your teeth and gums?
  47. How long do cramps last and what can I do to make them go away?
  48. Does sleeping make you lose weight?
  49. Is it normal for you to distance yourself from people that seem to like you or ask you out after you go through a heartbreak?
  50. Are Islamic girls allowed to date white guys?
  51. How can I get over this cold for my graduation next week?
  52. What is air friction, eddy current, and fluid damping force?
  53. What is spring control and gravity control in indicating instruments?
  54. Do you have to have parent's permission to get your ears gauged?
  55. If you have a medicinal marijuana card, but move somewhere else, can you go back to the state and get more medicine?
  56. What would happen if you were to drink, like, a pint of someone's blood?
  57. How to create a vegetarian meal/diet?
  58. How can you get rid of or prevent muscle spasms?
  59. How can I keep my boyfriend from giving up on our relationship?
  60. What do you think of redheaded women?
  61. What year did the nuclear explosion happen in Chernobyl, Russia?
  62. Can I wear brown sandals with a pink dress?
  63. Do you feel that the Martin Luther King Jr statue should be changed?
  64. Are the Kardashians overrated attention seekers?
  65. When does a girl start producing milk? like when shes a teenager or when they first get pregnet.and when would a girl stop making it?
  66. Where can I buy/rent tablecloths?
  67. What is the proper age a parent should stop breastfeeding their child?
  68. How to make a banana smoothie without a blender?
  69. Why does my skin get shiny even when it's not oily(more)?
  70. Can I go tanning with MRSA?
  71. Do you believe the rumors about John Travolta who has been in the news this last week?
  72. How can I deal with this student loan problem?
  73. Do you guys think oatmeal would work with soy milk?
  74. Is losing 4lbs in two weeks reasonable?
  75. Where can I get fake gauges?
  76. Does the rest/unbleached parts of my hair stay healthy if I only bleach a section of it?
  77. Have you tried green fresh chilies in a cigarette without tobacco?
  78. FunAdvice Trivia: In Black Sabbath's 'Country Girl', where was she born, according to Ronnie James Dio?
  79. What is in the back ground of this picture (photo link)?
  80. What's your opinion on this dream?
  81. What are some things that turned 100 years old as of 2012?
  82. What cheap thing should I get my mom for her birthday?
  83. Who likes to shop at Aeropostale?
  84. Is $80 a lot for an industrial piercing?
  85. Where do you shop for your bathing suits?
  86. How do you get rid of a bad tan/burn really fast?
  87. Has anyone seen the movie Haywire?
  88. Can duct tape be used as pore strips (for nose)?
  89. Do saltine crackers really help with stomachaches and heartburn?
  90. How can I learn German fast?
  91. Is nicotine gum bad for you and how old do you have to be to buy it?
  92. If I reboot my phone will everything erase?
  93. What is a good Shakespearean sonnet to memorize?
  94. Can prenatal vitamins regulate your period?
  95. How do you know when you're ovulating?
  96. If Lady Capulet (Romeo and Juliet) held a party, what kind of food and activities do you think would be there?
  97. What are some trends that a lot of people follow that you don't like?
  98. What do you think of Justin Bieber's new song Boyfriend?
  99. Do you guys know any fun online game sites?
  100. Did I break the bone in my thumb?