Questions & Answers

  1. How or could my hair fall out of 3 days in a row of hair dye?
  2. How..come quicker for my boyfriend?
  3. How to copy messages from cell to laptop?
  4. How much does nose pirecings hurt 1-10 ?
  5. what is the mature thing to do?
  6. Who knows a good song?
  7. What do I do--my boyfriends sister doesn't like me?
  8. Who else here used to watch these 90's shows?
  9. What is The Virginia Coalmine doing now?
  10. How do I fix unable to access jarfile error?
  11. When Gauging Your Ears... Is this True?
  12. How can I stretch my healed blown out ears again ?
  13. Where are any free game sites?
  14. Why do I always want kiss?
  15. Why is my sister not replying to me?
  16. What can you see in a MRI scan for the uterus?
  17. What am I supposed to do when it wasnt my fault in the first place?
  18. What should I do about my period?
  19. What should I do with girlfriend?
  20. How can I get him to have sex on text w/ me?? I need help!?
  21. Why have I had 1 period in a year and im nt pregnant but I look it?
  22. What ... How long will my lip piercing take to fill in?
  23. Who.I need to no if canaries can have eggs with another bird in...?
  24. How should I tell her I don't want her to leave oh of state?
  25. How do I tell my girlfriend that she is no good at giving a bj?
  26. What is your opinion on the merry jane?
  27. Should I have sex with my boyfriends uncle?
  28. How does it feel for a girl when...?
  29. who was the audience of "I Have A Dream" by Martin Luther King Jr.?
  30. How can I help my chihuhua upset stomach?
  31. what all dose covertlabs strip NC take out of your system?
  32. Where can I download free porn without age verfication?
  33. What should I do with my boyfriend if hes changing the way he is?
  34. What is an awesome pose?
  35. Why guys want head?
  36. What are you meant to do with shimmer pearls?
  37. What's a good topic sentance/conclusion for a speech on john lenon?
  38. Why do I feel this way for him? Hes not even worth it?
  39. What should I do about pain in my right side?
  40. What, do you think I should get layers?
  41. What...are some guys really just this nice?
  42. What colour eyeliner should I wear with brown eyes?
  43. What can I give my bunny she ate too much lettuce?
  44. What is the best site to help find a job in your area?
  45. How long to stop peeling after laying in tanning bed?
  46. What can I do cause my tragus piercing is horrible?
  47. How much does it cost for a limo?
  48. Why it been so long 3 years I haven't never stop love him?
  49. Where can I find sheet music for Fever by Meiko?
  50. What should I do- go out with him or not?
  51. When: Should I enlist into the Armed Forces?
  52. When do I stop going to school?
  53. How do I move from making out with a girl to more?
  54. How do I get this girl that I am in love with to talk to me agian?
  55. Why, Is it bad to cut your eyebrow hairs?
  56. How do I talk to a guy who I stopped talking to(due to rumor)?
  57. How can I make my darkish blue eyes stand out more"?
  58. What are cute ways to wear my hair???
  59. How do you feel when you are ovulating?
  60. Why don't Asian guys like white girls?
  61. What's in a background check for McDonalds?
  62. Who can tell me the top 5 songs in your opinoin for these band?
  63. What is too big.. If you want to b a stripper?
  64. What's something I can do to get backstage at a lil wayne concert?
  65. How is this bad I know it is?
  66. How long can a tapeworm be inside you and could I have one?
  67. What would happen if ii secretly dated an 18 year old?
  68. What song is this?
  69. what do I say to make my boyfriend horny when we are havin phone sex?
  70. How can I do this with music?
  71. How do I stop having doubts about guys?
  72. What should I do about a water leak we have?
  73. What...would you read this book?
  74. What should I do? Should I quit the School Play or not?
  75. How do you give your boyfriend a hint that you wanna be fingurd?
  76. What is two major differences between scientific and common names?
  77. What can I do fo fix blow outs?
  78. Should I join baseball team my junior year?
  79. How can my parents change our phone settings?
  80. How you get colored contacts that fix a lazy eye ?
  81. How do I talk to him?
  82. How stupid was this?
  83. how can I stop my period for going on holiday?
  84. How can I get a guy that barely knows me to regonize me?
  85. How do you think I should handle this tax problem?
  86. How can I see the answers to my questions on FunAdvice?
  87. What are some good games for energie pyarmides?
  88. What is a good nickname for nyasia(pronounced ni a sha)?
  89. What questions can I ask the preschoolers?
  90. What. Am I weird for not liking to get blowjobs?
  91. How would I go about caring for a pigeon?
  92. What are some good books for my cause that will make me feel beter?
  93. What a good slogan I can do for the name "jen"?
  94. How: do you need a microphone on windows live to call someone?
  95. How do you get a higher w/o meds metabolism?
  96. What can I say to comfort my friends sense they know im moving?
  97. How...can a dog/mammal have a period???
  98. How should I deal with low self esteem?
  99. How could a girl be prego with twins from 2 diff dads?
  100. What's the name of this song?