what is the mature thing to do?

When the school year first started I had a crush on this guy named chase. He liked me to, it was all perfect. Until after awhile I just didnt feel it anymore.. Not wanting to lie to him I gave him the news. Now he thinks I hate him, which I dont. I just dont have those kind of feelings for him anymore.. After a couple weeks he and a guys named justin started asking who I liked. Though I didnt want to have a crush on anybody I started to like Justin. They wouldnt leave me alone so finaly gave in and told the truth. (I usualy dont like very many guys and if I do it is for a long time.) Little did I know Chase and Justin are best friends now. also when I said I liked justin he had a girlfriend. Shortly after they broke up. I dont want to hurt chase, because I have been working on trying to build a relationship back up with him-just friends. But on the other hand we never talk at school. It is like he doesnt even want to try. and the situation with justin? Nothing has happened for months, I feel like I need to feel somethin-anything wether it be sad. happy. or mad. I guess I need to know what the mature thing is to do?

Answer #1

Sounds kind of complicated. I think the best thing to do is leave the situtaion alone, and not get involved in any relationships until you know exactly what you’re looking for. Hope this helped:)

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